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I don’t know very much about surviving on what seems to be a primitive planet. Most of my time back on Earth was spent at work and at home, and that didn’t exactly give me a lot of survivalist training. I am completely out of my depths here, and I don’t like that feeling. I don’t enjoy feeling so helpless and being entirely dependent on someone else.

I make a promise to myself to start paying more attention to the things Draggar does to survive and maybe I could talk him into teaching me a few things. I don’t know if I could ever get up the nerve to kill an animal, but maybe I could start out with learning to butcher the next one.

While I want to go home, back to Earth, I’m realistic enough to admit that that doesn’t seem likely. It’s not like I’ve seen any other spaceships on this planet. I mean, Draggar is literally cooking over a fire. That doesn’t exactly scream technologically advanced. The sooner I can become self-sufficient the better off I am.

That thought leads me to remember my friends and my relaxed mood swiftly disappears.

They only had enough food to last for a few days, and it could be running out soon. They’re probably worried to death about what happened to me. And Zoe, if she really did wander off by herself.

My eyes well up with tears and they spill over to run silently down my cheeks. Draggar notices my distress. His wide mouth curves down in a frown as he moves closer and puts an arm around my shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze. I lean against him letting the warmth of his body soak into me.

He tilts his head and peers intently into my eyes, a questioning expression on his face. “Why do you cry, Haley?”

A sob forces its way out of me. “It’s my friends.” I throw my hand out and gesture towards the cave entrance and the jungle beyond. “I’m so worried about them. They’re all alone out there, and I really need to get back to them.”

I bury my face against Draggar’s throat on another sob. Tears pour from my eyes and wet his skin as I weep for my friends, myself, for everything that has happened the last few weeks. It’s been so overwhelming, and I’ve tried so hard to be strong and not break down. But even I have my limits and once I get started crying, it’s hard to stop.

I cry over being abducted, stolen from my home and locked up in a small cell. I cry over crashing on this planet and getting separated from my friends. I even let out a few tears over finding my ex with his side piece.

After a while my tears gradually subside, and I’m left shaken. My nose is stuffy and my eyes are swollen and gritty and I feel as if I’ve cried enough tears to fill up a swimming pool. I take a deep breath to steady myself.

Draggar’s musky, spicy scent that reminds me of a really expensive cologne invades my nostrils, and I realize we’re sitting on the furry pallet.

Well, he is. I’m sitting on his lap with his strong arms holding me pressed firmly against him and one large hand rubbing up and down over my back. His chest vibrates against my face as he hums. His deep voice soothes me with a tune that sounds almost like a lullaby and my lips tip up in a watery smile. This big, fearsome warrior is comforting me with a lullaby.

I snuggle deeper into his arms and enjoy the deep hum of his voice as one of his hands continues to move over my back. I focus on the feeling of his hand moving over me and it doesn’t take long for the comfort I felt to morph into a low burn.

Draggar adds his other hand, and they roam over my back, petting me in an obvious attempt to soothe. But it only inflames my senses more and I close my eyes as the burn continues to spread through me. I clench my thighs together as a whimper escapes my mouth, and I hear him suck in a breath, the tune he was humming trailing off.

Tilting my head back, I lock gazes with the man who still holds me pressed against him.

His silver irises have become completely engulfed with molten gold that looks as if it could scorch me and his angular face is harsh with desire. I thought his features were strange looking when I first laid eyes on him, but now, this alien who touches me so gently is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.

My eyes roam over his face and down to his lips. They’re wide and supple and I can just make out the hint of indentation where the dimple appears when he smiles really big. And I wonder, not for the first time, what his lips would feel like against my own. The pull between us is too strong and I can’t resist it any longer.

Slowly, to give him time to stop me, I lean forward and softly graze my lips against his with just the barest of contact. My lips tingle at the contact and I jump.

But Draggar is completely still, almost like he is frozen in shock, and I start to pull back, wondering if I’ve made a mistake. My cheeks heat with embarrassment at the thought that I completely misread the situation. I’ve made a fool of myself in front of someone who’s not interested in me at all.

“Oh, hell. I’m so sorry. I thought. . .”

Before I can complete my sentence and pull away from him, he releases a tortured groan that rumbles through his body and he pulls me back against his chest until I’m plastered completely against him. His mouth descends and meets mine, swallowing the gasp of surprise I release.

Draggar’s kiss isn’t practiced or a duel for dominance like other men I’ve kissed before. It’s untutored and wild and passionate. Just like him. His lips move over mine, relentlessly pulling and nibbling, and heat spirals through me heading straight to my center.

His arms curl around me and I moan as he somehow presses me even closer against him. My hands glide over his skin, so much thicker than my own, up his bulging arms and over his wide shoulders before wrapping tightly around his neck. I run my tongue along the seam of his lips, begging for entry, and he eases his mouth open with a growl that makes my stomach flutter.

My tongue sweeps in, and I use the opportunity to explore him. His taste is amazing, smoky with a hint of the not-bacon we ate earlier and it only makes me hungrier for him. Our tongues tangle together and that’s when I realize his is longer than mine and rough, almost like sandpaper, with little bumps all along it. I shiver as the bumps massage against my tongue.

I wonder what his tongue would feel like against other places. I whimper at the image in my mind and sparks shoot straight down to my clit making it throb.

It’s not long before Draggar grows more confident and takes the kiss further. His hands tunnel through my hair, holding my head still so he can delve deeper. His rough tongue is an invader, plundering my mouth and it feels amazing. A shudder ripples through me and my pussy clenches in need.

After a while, he pulls his lips from mine with a groan and trails his mouth over my cheeks, my jaw, and down my throat, and I respond with an encouraging moan. He sucks and nibbles along the way, his lips dragging against my skin and his tongue leaving behind a trail of heat.

The edge of his fangs graze against my skin, sending another shudder through my body, and I respond by grabbing his head and dragging his mouth back to mine with a harsh groan. His lips are full and wide and the center of my world at this moment and I can’t get enough of them. Of him.

I move closer to Draggar sliding my legs to straddle him on either side of his hips, and that’s when I notice the hard ridge of his erection pressing against my core.

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