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For the most part, we’ve been traveling along a narrow track through the jungle, but now, he veers into the dense undergrowth that lines either side of it. Draggar walks directly in front of me, now, with his arm stretched out to catch any limbs so they don’t whip back and hit me. My calves burn and my breath comes faster as the terrain begins to slope upwards.

We stop around midday for a long break, perching on a large boulder while we share more of the berries, and then we move on. Just as dusk begins to near and the shadows seem to grow longer, we reach the top of a peak with a rocky outcropping. I can finally get a good look at the land, and I spin in a slow circle to take it all in. The land stretches out below us like a colorful masterpiece of blues, greens, purples, and pinks with splashes of other colors thrown in for a little variety.

Directly in front of me, stretching further than my eyes can see, is a vast, bright green plain with dark specks that I think are probably some sort of her animal moving about. There must be hundreds of them, maybe even thousands, down there, and I suspect that just like everything else on this planet, they're big. To one side, in the distance, a dark mountain stretches high into the sky, and I shiver, hoping we’re not going to have to climb it. A dark cloud hangs heavy over the horizon, and I wonder if the storm is headed our way.

Draggar moves to stand next to me, his attention on the view below us. He nods to the large grassy area. "The Vox Grassland." Then, he points to the tall, black peaks. "And the Monadh Mountains."

After a moment to catch my breath, he leads me almost completely around the outcropping of rocks, and just when I start to wonder if he’s lost, a small opening appears in the rock face.

The entrance is just wide enough for him to enter if he turns sideways and bends over. He silently gestures for me to stay where I am, and with his sword drawn in front of him, he enters the dark cave to check it out. I assume he’s making sure there aren’t any predators in there.

It must be empty, because moments later he exits with a crooked smile and waves me forward. “It’s safe, Haley. We will rest here for the night.”

Instead of the cool, dark interior I was expecting from the cave, it’s cozy with luminescent moss covering the walls bathing everything in a blue and green glow. The air is humid with a faint odor reminiscent of rotten eggs, and I wrinkle my nose.

Draggar has already unrolled the fur pallet against one wall, and I sink down onto it with a sigh. It feels like we’ve covered at least twenty miles today, and I am already so tired. I don’t know how I’ll manage to keep up tomorrow. My muscles are sore and my feet ache.

I sit cross-legged and I notice a large, angry blister on the bottom of my big toe. The wear and tear of hiking through the jungle has taken its toll on my fuzzy socks. Holes and threadbare patches have developed on the bottom of my socks leaving skin exposed in many places.

I moan as I rub my hurting feet. Maybe I can stuff the bottom of my socks with leaves or something to offer a little cushioning and protection. A shadow falls over me, and I look up to see Draggar standing in front of me.

A yelp escapes my mouth as he sweeps me up in his muscular arms and pulls me tightly against his wide chest. I can feel the rumble of his voice as he speaks, “I wish to show you something.”

He’s so big compared to me. I feel almost dainty held in his arms, which is not something I’m accustomed to. I’ve definitely never been a dainty woman. Curvy would probably be the most generous description of my body type. I’ve been on so many diets over the years, but I never seemed to be able to keep the weight off.

But Draggar towers over me, and his big size is comforting. I know I should be afraid of him, but I’m not. That aura of safety that clings to him envelopes me. I don’t know how or why, but I trust him completely when he says that he will protect me.

I release a sigh and that wonderful spicy scent that clings to him like a second skin drifts over me. I burrow my head against his shoulder and inhale deeply. He smells so good that I have the urge to lick him, and I wonder how he’d react if I did. I squeeze my thighs together as that thought sends a shiver down me that settles in my core. A muscle in his square jaw jumps as if he’s clenching his teeth.

Draggar quietly carries me to the back wall of the cave and that’s when I notice there’s a narrow gap there just big enough for us to pass through. We step through and the faint odor of rotten eggs grows stronger burning my nose. The temperature has risen and a sheen of perspiration breaks out on my skin.

I look around and realize it’s a small antechamber of the main cave. The glowing moss on the walls provides enough illumination that I can see a pool of water in the center of the room. It’s not very big, about the size of one of those blow-up hot tubs, but the water glows a brilliant blue leaving the smooth rocky bottom illuminated. It must be more of the moss or something similar making it glow.

Draggar eases me down onto my feet and nods to the water. “It is a hot spring. I thought the water might ease your aches.”

I laugh with elation as a big grin crosses my face. I’m going to get to take a bath. I feel like a dancing at the prospect of getting to submerge myself in water. It’s such a simple thing, but I have missed my bathtub so much.

“How. . . How did you know this was here?”

He tilts his head and studies me for a moment, before shaking his head in bewilderment. Right, for a moment I forgot he can’t understand me. Damn, I really wish he could.

I take a step towards the pool of water, but something makes me turn and look over my shoulder at the big alien behind me. He must sense my hesitancy.

“There is only one entrance.” Draggar points to the gap in the wall behind us. “No creatures or males can get to you. You will be protected. I will make sure of that.” He places his fist against his chest.

Draggar takes something out of a small pocket attached to his loincloth. He hands me one of the dried leaves that I remember seeing in his satchel and I wonder what I’m supposed to do with it. At my confused look, he explains, “You can use this as a cleanser.”

Before I can respond, Draggar flashes me another smile that makes the elusive dimple appear on one side of his mouth and my gut clenches in response. Then, with a murmured entreaty to call for him should I need help, he turns around and disappears back through the gap leaving me alone in the glowing chamber.

I take another step forward before quickly discarding my clothes at the edge. I almost leave them on, but the thought of wearing wet flannel makes me change my mind. Carefully easing in, I hiss as the hot water touches my skin. The temperature of the water is warmer than I prefer, but I don’t care because it feels amazing.

The water just barely reaches my waist, so I sink down to the bottom of the pool and dunk my head until even my hair is wet. Rising up, I dampen the dried leaf and tentatively rub it between my hands. It doesn’t produce bubbles like soap would but a viscous fluid that has a pleasant cinnamon-like fragrance.

I quickly scrub my skin with the leaf and run it through my hair, trying to get as clean as I can. Then, I sit down on the smooth bottom and lean my head against the side of the pool and sigh at the luxurious feeling of the warmth seeping through my body. It doesn’t take long for my stiff, sore muscles to loosen and relax. Even my throbbing feet stop hurting.

When my fingers start to prune, I figure I’ve stayed in long enough. I quickly scrub my socks and underwear in the warm water in an attempt to get them as clean as possible. Hopefully, they’ll dry before we leave.

I step out and don my pajamas with a wrinkle of my nose. For the first time in ages, I feel clean and refreshed. It seems a shame to put back on the dirty clothes that I’ve been wearing for far too long now.

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