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I am more determined than ever to leave as soon as possible. Not only because of the danger of being so near the Tussoll village and the Pugj, but also because I am even more impatient than before to be able to freely communicate with my mate.

The pain is grueling and leaves me covered in a thick layer of sweat. Each time I rise to walk, Haley hovers near me, worriedly refusing to let me too far out of her sight. She is like a mother eponir hovering over its young. Each time I rise and manage to make it back to the pallet without incident, I can feel her begin to relax a little, and I become more sure-footed and a little stronger each time.

Still, the crease between the slashing lines of hair above her eyes remains and I sense an air of apprehension and sadness about her. I wish I knew the cause. I wish I knew why she was alone in the jungle. Why were the other aliens not with her?

Soon, I promise myself. Soon I will be able to ask and understand her answer. But until then, I should probably avoid touching Haley. Even now, the urge to claim my mate churns in my chest and fires my blood. Feeling my hands against her soft skin will only make the urge grow.

Before long, the sky has begun to darken as nighttime nears and I carefully ease my way to the cave entrance to check out the area. The fire my Haley built has burned out, and it will have to be relit soon. My mate did well to keep the fire small and just under the overhanging entrance of the cave. So far, it does not seem the Tussoll have noticed the smoke from it, and I hope it will continue that way until we have left.

The rations I packed are beginning to run low and we will run out of food soon. Another reason we need to leave as soon as possible. I can easily forage for berries and tubers as we travel, until I am well enough to hunt for meat.

I glance over at Haley. She is pale and she appears a little thinner than she was when I first saw her, but her smile is sweet when she locks gazes with me. It is important we leave soon so that I can provide my mate with the nourishment she needs.

Tomorrow, we will leave.

I am still moving at a much slower pace than I would like, and my muscles and bones still ache as if I have battled a horde of enemies singlehandedly, but it cannot be helped. I will not risk Haley falling into the hands of the Tussoll, or the Pugj for that matter.

If all goes well, we will arrive at my village two mornings from now, and I can retrieve the translator chip from my cousin. Finally, I will be able to understand the words that fall from my mate’s lips.

I return to the cave after refilling the waterskin from the nearby stream, the same one I used to carry me here, and I see Haley seated on a flat rock near the fire. She must have relit it while I was gone, and once again, I feel a sense of pride in my mate.

Based on her lack of defensive ridges and camouflage abilities, I do not think Haley comes from a planet as dangerous or rough as Laedirissae. But she has shown her strength and resourcefulness at every turn. My mate is truly a gift from the Universe. One who deserves to be cherished, and I plan to do just that.

Haley’s eyes are wide as she stares up at the twinkling stars that have already emerged in the darkening sky. The light from the small fire casts a golden glow onto her silken skin and a coppery hue over her hair making her look like a gilded goddess. The ancient Laediriians worshipped goddesses, and I suddenly understand why. She is ethereal and resplendent in the dancing light of the fire and I have the urge to drop to my knees in front of her, but I suppress it and clear my throat.

Haley turns to watch me as I sit down near her, busying myself with retrieving one of the rapidly depleting ration bags and fishing out enough for each of us to eat tonight. She takes her portion from me, her soft hand brushing against mine and sending a tingle shooting through me, before she returns her gaze to the starry sky.

“Eets reellii sumthiin, yoo noe. Thuh starrs dohnt look lyekk theess ohn ehrrth.” She gestures up at the sky, and her words whisper over me as she gazes up in awe.

I do not know what she said, but I think she is marveling over the beauty of the night sky. I look up and realize it is a beautiful sight.

The stars stretch far and wide like a blanket made of sparkling crystals. The two sister moons hang heavy on the horizon as if ready to guard the night. The blue glow from the moons and the bioluminescence of the plant life adds to the serene atmosphere. It is a sight I do not always take time to appreciate in my daily life, but my mate’s amazement at the scenery makes me look at it with new appreciation and I vow to enjoy the beauty of my home more often.

Haley throws her hands out wide and gestures around us, while rapidly speaking and looking at me expectantly. Her words run together in a jumble in my head as I try to concentrate on them.

It is frustrating to not understand my mate, to not be able to communicate with her like I want to, and I finally, I admit deafeat and lift my shoulders in confusion at her.

She repeats the same words and points up to the sky and then makes a whooshing noise as she glides a hand through the air.

Haley huffs out a breath, then points to herself and says, “Hoo-maan.” Then, she points at the night sky and says, “Ehrrth.”

She repeats the series of hand gestures and words a few more times before pointing at me and gesturing around us. That’s when it finally dawns on me what she is trying to tell me.

My mate is something called a hoo-maan and she is from planet Ehrrth. I listen closely as she says the words again. No. . . that’s not completely correct. Human. Earth. My fangs are in the way of my lips and I don’t know if I can replicate the way she pronounces the words, but I try.

A broad smile creases her face when I repeat her words correctly and I want to laugh with delight at finally being able to communicate with her, no matter how rudimentary it is.

“I am Laediriian,” I tilt my chin up and tap my chest with pride before spreading my hands wide and gesturing around. “This is Laedirissae.” Haley beams at my words and I am captivated by her smile.

She is so different from anyone or anything I have ever seen. So soft and enchanting. It is difficult for me to drag my eyes away from her long enough to even eat.

Haley gestures around us and excitedly speaks in her strange tongue so unlike my own, but I can only shake my head in confusion at her words and tell her, “I cannot understand you, Haley. Hopefully soon I will be able to communicate with you.” She sighs and nods her head at me.

After a few quiet moments while we eat, Haley gestures to the still healing wound on my side. She rattles off something in her language, and between the questioning look on her face and her gestures, I think she might be asking how I was injured.

I am embarrassed to tell my mate that the Tussoll were able to injure me so easily with an arrow. She will think I am weak and unable to protect her, but I do not want to keep the truth from her. She will be safer if she knows what we face.

I quickly explain to her that we are on a rival tribe’s territory and the tribe spotted me. When I tell her a member of the tribe shot me with an arrow dipped in poison, she gasps and reaches out to place a soft hand on my forearm. The concern on her face and the heat from her skin warms me and makes me want to pull her close for reassurance.

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