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The darkness beneath the tall cupressi trees with their large trailing leaves is still too thick for even my eyes to completely penetrate. I cannot see many details of the beast, but its shape and size is similar to that of a young magnis and it has the mottled blue and black coloring of the beast.

Ah, yes, it is a foolish juvenile. Not yet old enough to know to exercise caution when in the depths of the jungle, but old enough to be dangerous.

I raise my sword high in one swift movement, then with a roar that bursts deep from my lungs, I lunge forward prepared to cut down the predator before it can make a meal of me.

Before my sword can pierce the thick hide of the beast, its head draws up and I am finally able to make out its details, just as the sweet aroma I have come to crave reaches my nostrils.

The pale skin of its startled face and the flashing blue eyes so similar to the seas that surround the main landmass of Laedirissae. It is not a magnis or any other four-legged creature. It is an alien.

It is Hell-lii.

Chapter 12


Great, I’m fucking lost.

I came into the jungle to find Zoe, but I’ve managed to get completely turned around and now I can’t tell one tree or rock from another.

Not long after starting off on my search, I heard a loud rustling in the bushes, and at first, I thought it might be Zoe. When she didn’t answer my call and the noise grew louder and sounded as if it was headed in my direction, I panicked and ran. Not a great move. Since then, I’ve spent hours walking around with just the weird glowing leaves and vines to keep me from being swallowed up by the oppressive darkness of the dense jungle, and everything looks the same.

But now, the glow-in-the-dark foliage has grown dim, and I can barely see my hand in front of my face. Zoe could be right next to me, and I wouldn’t even know it. Hell, a dinosaur could be right next to me, and I wouldn’t have a clue. Not until it opens its mouth and chomps down on me.

I reach out with my hands to feel my way, carefully shuffling forward through the thick undergrowth and layer of dry leaves covering the ground so as not to end up face first on the ground. I still haven’t seen a single trace of Zoe since I stepped through the dense line of bushes and trees, and I don’t know how I can face the others if I don’t find her.

But that’s if I am even able to find my way back to the others.

What I wouldn’t give for a GPS right now. I hiss as a low hanging branch smacks me in the face leaving my skin stinging. Or a flashlight.

The only good news is I that haven’t seen any dinosaurs or heard any more rustling sounds possibly chasing me. Not that the jungle has been silent or anything close to it. The quiet chitter of nocturnal animals high up in the trees above me has followed me, but I’ve tried my best to ignore the sounds. It hasn’t been easy, but I keep telling myself that it’s probably just this planet’s version of a squirrel or a chipmunk. Yeah, something cute, furry, and sings in a squeaky voice.

I stumble into what feels like a small puddle, but as I take a step forward and another, I realize it’s a creek. The cold water moves against me as it rises with each cautious step until it reaches nearly to my waist. It’s an odd, disconcerting sensation not being able to see my feet or the water, and I cringe at the thought of what sort of animals might call the creek home. Please don’t let there be any leeches. Or snakes.

After several minutes of shuffling across the creek and trying not to slip on the slimy rocks and mud, my outstretched hands touch a solid wall of dirt and I realize it must be the bank of the creek. I reach out to steady myself for a moment before I clumsily scramble up the steep slope. I remember seeing a wide, murky looking creek not long after I set out on my search for Zoe, so maybe I’m finally headed back in the direction of the ship. I really hope so. Cause I am so over this.

My muscles are sore and I’m freaking cold, I think with a shiver as I wrap my arms around myself. Nighttime is a lot cooler on this planet than I thought it would be.

I never should have come by myself to look for Zoe. I should have woken up the others, but I just had to handle it all by myself.

What a dumb thing to do. Now, I’m cold, tired, and lost, and I still haven’t found Zoe. Way to go, Haley. I can practically hear Chad’s voice mocking me all the way from Earth. And he’s right.

I’m startled out of my thoughts when a loud roar echoes from my right and an enormous monster bursts from the depths of the darkness. A scream erupts from me as a flash of silver that looks like a sword comes sweeping down to cut me in half. I throw my arms up in front of my face and steel myself to feel the sharp blade slice into my flesh at any moment.

Nothing happens.

Taking a deep breath, I move my hand an inch and peek out – and up – at the beast standing in front of me.

It’s tall, close to seven feet in height and it’s. . . It’s a human! Oh my God.

Wait. . . no, it’s shaped like a human. If humans had muscles on top of more muscles.

The creature is covered in skin that changes colors right before my eyes – green, blue, bright turquoise, before it settles into a teal color. Glacial silver eyes glare down at me, pinning me in place.

Shit, shit, shit. It’s a fucking color-changing alien. Just when I thought things couldn’t get weirder on this freaking planet.

My hands tremble as I slowly lower them and warily eye the being in front of me. I should run, but my legs won’t move. I’m frozen in place as I warily eye the alien. Its gaze runs up and down my body, and it feels like it penetrates deep into my soul absorbing everything about me.

As the tense moment stretches out between us and the seconds turn into minutes, a sense of calm begins to sweep over me replacing the fear I felt earlier. It’s completely insane, but I feel safe. If this being was going to kill me, it would have already done so.

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