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It is clear they are in no hurry to get back inside and we’re going to be out here for a while. It makes me nervous to be outside and so exposed, but I vow to keep my eyes open and on the lookout for any dangers so they can enjoy this little bit of fun. Zoe is the youngest of our group, and Aria, always so cheerful and positive, has had a worried frown stretched across her face all too often since we crash landed. They both deserve a little bit of carefree fun after everything that has happened. We all do.

If I’m honest with myself, sometimes I’m a little envious of Aria. She’s so easygoing and cheerful most of the time. Like a warm ball of sunshine.

When my mom was alive, she always said that I spent too much time in my head and that I worried enough for twenty people. I could learn a lot from Aria and even Zoe. Instead of being so pessimistic, I should try to enjoy life more. I’m alive and free, and that’s what matters most right now.

If the last couple of weeks have taught me nothing else, it’s that life can change in an instant and I need to embrace every moment of it. Right now, I’m one of the few humans getting to experience this new planet, so maybe I should try to think of this as an adventure.

I take a deep breath of the air that smells so different from Earth. So fresh and otherworldly, but with hints of aromas that I recognize. The mustiness of the soil and dead leaves underfoot and sweetness from the flowers, but there’s a hint of spiciness that I can’t place. We’re definitely not in Kansas anymore.

A little longer out here won’t hurt anything, and it will be good for us to get some sunlight and fresh air after being cooped up in the spaceship for so long.

I take a few steps away from Aria and Zoe to get a closer look at a large blue flower that is growing all alone in the middle of the churned-up dirt around us. It’s trumpet-shaped with petals as big as my hand and dark blue leaves that sprout from a thick stem How did this bloom survive the crash when everything else around it was destroyed?

In the background, I hear Zoe ask if Aria thinks there are any kittens or ponies on the planet. I don’t hear Aria’s answer, but I hear Zoe announce she’s going to see if Rose wants to come out and see the birds and butterflies. As she skips by and disappears inside to find Rose, I notice a large shadow fall over where I’m standing, and I look up in confusion.

Holy fucking shit.

It’s a pterodactyl. Kind of.

A large creature with wide leathery wings flies high in the sky above us. It looks to be the size of a small car with sharp talons on its feet. Unlike pterodactyls in movies, this one has a tuft of blue feathers growing out of the top of its head like a hat. More feathers cover most of its body, and a tail stretches out behind it with a smattering of feathers on the tip like the tuft of hair on a lion’s tail. Its long neck and wings are free from feathers, and I can see each individual blue gray scale that make up its skin.

My heart feels like it jumps into my throat, and I stand frozen in place for one long moment before I snap out of it and into action. “We have to get inside!” I yell to Aria.

She looks up, startled at my shout, before her mouth drops open in shock at the flying dinosaur above us. She scrambles to stand up and begins to run back towards the ship. It’s just yards back to safety, but it feels like miles as time seems to slow down. The pterodactyl-ish spots us and begins a diving descent downwards, its eyes fastened on its prey.

I glance up and wish I hadn’t. It’s so close now that I can see the razor-sharp teeth filling its long beak. Time seems to grow even slower as, ahead of me, I watch as Aria stumbles over a root and falls face first onto the ground. She tries to rise to her knees, but her left shoulder is still healing from its injury and in a sling, and she struggles.

The loud screech of the pterodactyl thing sends a chill of fear down my spine. It sounds like it’s close – really close. I swear I can smell its dank, putrid breath breathing on my neck.

As I reach the spot where Aria has managed to rise to her knees, I wrap an arm around her shoulders and drag her all the way upright. Together, we take off and run as fast as we can. The shadow of the beast grows larger and larger until it blots out the sun over us. Terror rises up and claws at my chest, and the bitterness of bile burns at the back of throat.

At the last minute, as another loud shrill screech echoes around us, Aria and I reach the ship and we dive through the opening to safety. We roll and come to a stop on the floor just inside one of the cells. We’re both covered in sweat, and Aria’s face is streaked with dirt and tears.

My lungs pump air in and out like bellows and my legs ache from exertion. I’m not used to running at all. On Earth, I was more of a take a nice stroll around the neighborhood type of person than a runner. Hell, I was never even picked first for dodge ball as a kid.

Outside, I hear the pterodactyl thing that almost made us its dinner let out a loud screech of frustration as its flies over the ship. The beat of its wings fades into the distance.

Aria gasps for breath. “That. . . was a. . . dinosaur, right?” She looks at me, shock and terror still frozen on her face.

My chest is still heaving up and down like I’ve run a marathon, and I can’t speak, yet, so I just nod my head.

Fucking hell. There are dinosaurs on this planet.


Hours have passed, and the girls and I have settled down for the night. It took a while for me and Aria to calm down and explain to the others what happened. They heard the loud screeches, but it was all over before any of them could come investigate. We all quickly decided we wouldn’t venture back outside until we absolutely must.

I still can’t believe we were almost eaten by a dinosaur. What kind of planet is this? A dangerous one, obviously. My resolve to treat this as an adventure and try to enjoy the moment has crumbled. If there are pterodactyls on this planet, what else is out there? Shit, I really hope there aren’t any t-rexes.

I was fast asleep until a few minutes ago. I’m not sure what woke me up, but I am wide awake, now. Looking around the room, I search for anything out of place.

The dim red emergency lights cast a sinister haze over the medic bay and shadows lurk in the dark corners of the room. I count each huddled mass to see if there’s anyone missing. Aria and Isabella are snoring softly on either side of me. Mara, Maddie, and Crystal are on the far side of the room near Emily, and they’re all sound asleep. Jayden is laying on her back, her mouth wide open and a soft snore rumbling from between her lips. Rose is beside Jayden with Zoe in. . .

The spot where Zoe was sleeping earlier tonight is empty. She’s not there.

Oh no. Oh no Oh no.

Zoe has clung to Rose most of the time since they were brought on the ship, except for the last two days when she’s ventured away from her a couple of times. Maybe she’s just gone to the bathroom.

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