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The being is small and frail, shorter even than a Laediriian kitling when he goes on his first hunt. I suspect this otherworldly creature is a kitling, as well, though it looks very different from my own species’ young.

A flock of colorful psittas landed earlier in the clearing to pick through the churned-up soil. When the kitling notices them, its eyes light up in delight and it takes a few cautious steps towards the feathered animals. The psittas are small creatures with brightly colored plumage, which leaves them vulnerable to many predators when they are out in the open. They tend to startle easily at any hint of a threat and soar high into the sky in a large group, making themselves appear like one large beast.

Surprisingly, the psittas do not seem to react to the kitling as it unerringly creeps towards them, and the flock continues in its search for any choice morsels of insectoids that may have been uncovered from the soil.

The kitling’s tinkling laughter reaches me as one of the smaller psittas, a youngling most likely, hops on two legs after a particularly uncooperative insectoid that has escaped its pointy beak.

A loud yell emerges from the ship startling the flock, and some of the more cautious members who have already eaten their fill of insectoids take flight to the skies in a magnificent blaze of colors.

”Zohh-ii! Wharr arrr yooo? Zohh-ii?” The voice is high-pitched, not unlike young Laediriian males before their natural armor has finished forming and their voices deepen, but the being that cautiously steps through the opening into the clearing is unlike anything I have ever seen.

I study the pale-skinned alien as it talks softly with the kitling. My sensitive ears easily pick up its words even though I cannot understand them. This alien creature has long hair growing from the top of its head in a brown color that reminds me of the bark on the majestic cupressi trees that grow on our land.

The being is taller and larger everywhere than the kitling, but it is still smaller and more delicate than a Laediriian warrior. It is covered almost completely in heavy fabric that shrouds most of its frame, but still, I study the smooth flesh that is visible and wonder where its defense mechanisms are. Laediriians have defensive ridges that sprout over the most vital areas of our bodies – the brow, abdomen, and upper legs, even our backs – but this being looks bare and vulnerable to injury. How does it protect itself in battle?

The most remarkable feature of the being are two large, rounded protrusions that sprout from its chest – protrusions that make my cock twitch and my mouth water. I shift uncomfortably. For some reason, I have the urge to unveil the mounds of flesh and feast on them.

I try to listen as the creature continues speaking to the kitling, but it is hard to focus. My heartbeat pounds loudly in my ears like an approaching herd of dicro, and I shake my head in agitation.

As I watch the alien, another being emerges from the ship and gestures to the other two, its voice ringing out. This alien looks somewhat similar to the other larger one, but for some reason not as special. I find my gaze drawn again and again to the alien with the cupressi brown hair, no matter how hard I try to look away.

The faint, sour stench of fear clings to the aliens, making its way to me, but underneath that is a sweet aroma. Taking a deep breath to calm my racing heart, I try to focus on their conversation.

The language they speak is unlike any I have ever heard. In addition to our own language, all tribal members are taught Galactica so we will be prepared to communicate with any enforcers should The Reckoning happen. But this language sounds nothing like that. It is more nasal and rapid, less elegant than my own language.

It is as I am studying the being who has captured my attention that a thought suddenly occurs to me that causes my jaw to drop open in amazement and my breath to freeze in my lungs.

Goddesses, the aliens are females!

My brain is befuddled in shock and slow to process what I’m seeing as I stare at the aliens. Females on Laedirissae. How can it be? This is the first time I have ever seen a female, and my mind is having a hard time comprehending what is in front of my eyes.

I have never felt more in awe as I sit on my backside hidden amongst the jungle. No Laediriian has seen a female in generations, and I have never been more humbled to be honored with this blessing.

Except, what if the females are not a blessing? What if they are a trick to take advantage of my tribe? Perhaps it is not a coincidence the females arrived on our planet just as so many rumors have spread about the other tribes planning an attack. It could all be connected.

It is clear the females are nothing like my own species, and it makes no sense to my mind why the Universe would bless us with alien females. Their coloring is dull and muted compared to the motley of beautiful coloring of a Laediriian female which evolution has made bright to attract a mate’s eyes. Their frames are smaller, and yet, bigger in other ways. In ways that make my mouth water.

As the aliens continue to speak to each other, my entire focus is drawn to the being with the bright voice and cupressi brown hair. My sensitive nostrils flare as I realize the sweet aroma that captivates me is emanating from her.

A fluttering sensation stirs in my chest, exactly where my dormant second heart resides, as if a winged insectoid is desperate to be set free. Blood zips through my veins, and my primary heart pounds out a loud, insistent beat. Why?

I slowly shake my head in denial, my gaze refusing to shift from her. It cannot be.

Goddesses, it must be trickery. A cruel ploy devised by otherworldly beings to take advantage of the weaknesses of Laediriians and bring about our downfall. I will not allow it. The Universe has taken enough from us. It – and these alien beings – will not take more.

Could this be it – The Reckoning our Ancestors foretold? Has the Council finally sent enforcers after us?

My mind grapples with the possibilities. It makes no sense why the Council would send two strange females and a kitling to do their bidding. Unless they plan to use the females to weaken us further. That is the only possibility that even remotely makes sense, and yet, even that does not seem quite correct.

But my instincts are screaming a loud warning. All is not right on Laedirissae. Something has changed. Something monumental.

My jaw clenches in determination. I will discover what evil the aliens have planned for my species, and I will destroy their plan before it has a chance to harm us.

My eyes are drawn again to the pale alien with brown hair as she gazes out at the jungle. If feels like her eyes connect with mine for a moment that seems to stretch into eternity. From a distance, I can see her black pupils flare wide, darkening her pale eyes.

My heart pounds so hard that I fear it will burst through my skin, and I place my hand on my chest to hold it in. Then she wrenches her gaze away and disappears back into the vessel with the other aliens.

I fight the sense of loss I feel at her absence. No, this cannot be. The otherworldly beings must have an ulterior motive for being here.

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