Page 78 of The Proposition

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“What I’m thinking of is kind of intense.”

She blinked up at me, surprised. “After what I just did to you? I don’t think you could top it.”

It was exactly what I wanted to hear. “Challenge accepted.”

I slid off the bed and grabbed her by the waist, twisting her around until her head was on the edge of the bed, upside-down. I gave her a final intense look, one with a question in it: Can you handle this?

She stared back defiantly. Bring it on.

I unzipped my pants, then slid them off slowly. My cock was already rock-hard from Nadia riding my face like a bicycle seat, and I gripped it by the shaft and guided it down into her mouth. It was warm and tight and wet, just like the pussy that had been smothering me moments before.

She grunted with surprise, then grabbed hold of my thighs to accept more of me. I planted a hand on her chest, pawing her through the thin dress while thrusting forward, fucking her in her mouth. My wide cock barely fit through her lips but she took it like a champ, more and more until I was almost deep throating her.

I pulled back with a moan of pleasure and gazed down at her beautiful face upside-down between my legs. “You can do that?”

She smiled knowingly. “I’ve never had much of a gag reflex.”

“Then let’s put it to the fucking test.”

I thrust my cock back inside her pretty mouth, and this time I pushed forward without reservation. Her hands tightened on my thighs again but she accepted every inch, head tilted back so my cock could fill her mouth and slide down her throat.

“There, right there, yes, a little more… fuck,” I gasped as her lips wrapped around the base of my cock. The entire fucking thing was in her mouth and throat. From my view all I could see was her gorgeous jaw and neck tilted backwards, joined against me like some sort of cock-sucking vampire. My grip on her breast tightened as she held me there inside her.

I pulled all the way out slowly. A strand of saliva connected the tip of my cock to her full lips. “Is that all you’ve got?” she asked, “or are you really going to fuck my throat?”

I shoved my dick back inside her. I leaned over her body until her glistening pussy was in front of me, and the sight of it drove my own lust like a cowboy driving the herd. Back and forth I fucked her, cock going all the way to the hilt inside her mouth and throat, faster and faster like it was my own special pussy to fuck.

All the while Nadia moaned and ran her fingers along my thighs, subconsciously letting me know she could take it. That she even wanted more. I ran my hand up and down her belly and chest, feeling the contours of her beautiful body. The body that was mine for the taking, and mine for the pleasuring.

I didn’t last very long. Not with her tight mouth accepting my cock like it was built for it. I thrust one final time inside her, watching lustily as her lips tightened around the base of my cock, and I pushed even deeper until her throat bulged like an artificial Adam’s apple, the final bit of my cock all the way inside her. For a brief moment I was afraid it was too much, that I had gone too far, but then she grabbed my ass with both hands and pulled me farther like she wanted more.

I came like an airplane crash, loud and violent and filled with adrenaline.

I screamed like I was in pain. Like I was literally being murdered, the pleasure was so intense and so fucking good. I roared with ecstasy until the breath had been expelled from my lungs and I was on the verge of passing out, but I kept my cock inside her until I’d finished coming, filling the back of her throat with every drop of my come I had to give her.

Finally she released her grip on my ass cheeks, and I slowly slid out of her mouth. She gasped and rolled over on the bed, eyes twinkling with excitement at the moment we had just shared, a single bead of beautiful come marring her full, flush lips.

She licked it off with her tongue, then leaned in for a hard, passionate kiss. In the afterglow of hard sex, I didn’t care that it broke our no-kissing rule. I could taste my saltiness on her tongue, evidence of what I’d just done and what she’d just done, and it made me melt into her lips more than any other desire.



Dorian and I spent the next day helping set up tents for an art festival in Central Park. Dorian turned it into a game of setting up the tent poles, and then doing a sexy pole dance around them while humming burlesque music. I almost died laughing when he put too much weight on one pole and the entire tent came crashing down on top of him. After a glare from the event coordinator, we did the rest of the work more seriously. It took a lot longer than passing out fliers in Times Square, but we got paid twice as much. And it still beat helping rich women try on shoes.

Rehearsal that night was tense the moment we walked inside. The part of the stage damaged by the spotlight had been cut out and repaired, but the new wood was a slightly different stain color and stuck out like a healed wound. Andy and Ryan were up in the catwalks, double-checking all the lights before we began rehearsal. Most of the cast stood around stage whispering about what was going to happen while avoiding the newly-repaired square of stage.

“Was she outside?” one of the backup dancers asked me.


“Tatiana,” another girl said. “Nobody has seen her. And Atkins is still in his office with the door closed.”

The first girl leaned in close. “I heard she took the first flight back to Boston yesterday.”

“Why Boston?”

“I don’t know. It’s just what I heard.”
