Page 51 of The Proposition

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“Gallons of it,” he said in a throaty voice. “I’m going to cover you in it.”

“Mmm hmm,” I moaned while rubbing faster. “Fuck me, Ryan.”

“You want this cock?”

“I want it so bad.”

“Where do you want it?”

I rubbed my clit faster. “Inside me.”

“You’re gonna have to be more specific.”

I tingled with naughtiness. “I want it in all of my holes. Whichever hole you want to fuck me in. But most of all, I want it in my pussy, I need it in my pussy, I’m going to die if you don’t give it to me now.”

I felt the tip of his cock press heavily against my sex. “Say please, Nadia.”

This beautiful, strong man wanted me to beg for it. And there was nothing in the world I wanted more than to do exactly that.

“Fuck me,” I begged. “Please fuck me. I need you inside me. Give it to me…”

His head shoved forward, parting my lower lips and plunging deeper and deeper until he had nothing more to give. A gasp escaped my lips as he filled me completely, stretching me in all directions and hitting every nerve and nook and inch of skin.

“Ohh,” I moaned, unable to form words.

“Holy fuck, that’s a tight pussy,” he said, gripping my ass like his life depended on it, fingers digging into my hips. He held himself deep inside me, not moving. I felt his balls brush against my hand as I touched myself. “I could die like this, babe.”

“Unacceptable,” I breathed. “Fuck me like you mean it. Give me that thick cock.”

He began to move. One slow inch at a time, sliding out of me, then back in. “God, that’s good. I can’t handle how fucking good you feel.”

I wasn’t the kind of girl who could climax vaginally alone, but my fingers at my clit were quickly bringing me to that conclusion. “Handle it. Handle me. Fuck me, Ryan. Give it to me.”

His body moved slowly and with purpose, like some great earth-moving machine rumbling to life. I glanced back at him to savor how he looked—bulging arms gripping my waist like it belonged to him, every body part completely swollen with muscle. It was like being fucked by a Greek statue come to life. The sight of him drove me closer to a shattering orgasm.

“Is that how you like it?” he teased, thrusting steadily now. “In. And out. A thick dick from behind, quick and dirty.”

“You haven’t seen dirty yet,” I moaned.

“Oh?” he asked. “There are some really fucking dirty things I want to do to you.”

“Tell me,” I groaned, eyes clenching shut as fire spread from between my legs.

“I want to skull fuck you,” he said confidently. “I want to stick my face between that fat ass and lick every inch of you until my taste buds rub off. I want to fuck every tight hole you have, until we moan and scream and pass out together.”

“Yes,” I breathed, fingers flying around my clit. “Yes, fuck me, fuck me Ryan, yes, harder, right there, yes!”

Everything went white as I came, and came, and came all over his manhood, an orgasm that could fill buckets as his hands pawed at my hips and held on for dear life. Faster and faster he fucked me, the rapid thrusts intensifying my orgasm and extending it, until he was moaning and shouting and then screaming, head hanging over my shoulder and crying his lustful cries into my ear with his hot breath, and I reached back to cradle his neck and hold him close so I didn’t miss a single breath as he filled me with his hot, sticky come.


“I’ve got to admit,” I said as I lay against Ryan’s huge bicep. “It’s awfully convenient having a fuck-buddy across the hall.”

“Amen,” Ryan said in a quiet, but deep, voice. “And you’re a lot prettier than Dorian.”

I poked him in the rib. “You’re not a fan of man-buns?”

“Not even a little bit.”
