Page 160 of The Proposition

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“Whatcha up to?” I asked.

He smiled without looking over at me. “Just making sure nobody tries to kill you tonight.”

“Tatiana’s in a psych ward upstate,” I pointed out. “I’m as safe as can be.”

“Old habits die hard.”

“What habits?” Braden asked as he arrived, bag slung over one shoulder.

“Ryan’s being paranoid again.”

“I’m checking the stage equipment because that’s my job,” Ryan said dryly.

I arched an eyebrow. “So you don’t think there might be ghosts in the theater?”

He pursed his lips. I didn’t think he was going to take the bait, but then he gave in.

“Do you know how many buildings in New York have more than three reported paranormal sightings? More than half! That number goes up to two-thirds for ones built before 1940. Odds are this place has a few skeletons in its closet, and I don’t appreciate you guys ridiculing me for it.”

I shared a smile with Braden. It was too easy with Ryan.

“I think I saw something unusual underneath the stage,” I said casually. “Maybe not a ghost, but certainly a specter of some sort.”

Ryan stared blankly at me. “Well then we’d better go check. You want to come too, Braden?”

Braden’s boyish smile was more lustful than normal. “I thought you’d never ask.”

We went down the stairs to the sub-stage single-file. Ryan was looking like a snack in his tight workman’s pants that hugged his juicy ass, his bulging arms swinging back and forth.

This had become a pre-show ritual for us over the past two months. Sometimes it was just Ryan, other times it was Andy. Every now and then I took several of them at once. Ryan and Braden was one of my favorite combinations.

Ryan whirled around, too eager to keep up the playful banter about seeing a specter down here.

He grabbed my jaw in one hand and kissed me, biting my lip and pulling away roughly. He looked into my eyes with hunger, still clenching my chin tight.

My heart fluttered at his aggressiveness, the way he needed me. My breasts heaved as I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

“I think you know what I want.”

Braden was behind me instantly, rubbing a hand along my ass cheeks through my shorts, fabric pushing against my pussy and ass. I made out with Ryan while Braden pulled down my shorts, then probed inside my cunt with one finger, then two, lubing up his hand and twisting like a corkscrew.

“Ohh,” I moaned into Ryan’s mouth. I scrambled at his crotch, tearing down his pants and grabbing his throbbing cock, impossibly wide between my fingers. It was a familiar body part to me by now, but it made me tingle with anticipation every time I touched it. I broke the kiss, our lips only millimeters apart and connected by a tiny strand of saliva, and looked into his light blue eyes. “I want you inside of me.”

“Who says you get what you want?” he growled.

“I need you inside of me,” I whispered.

He reached for me but I was faster, pushing him backwards onto a long equipment crate. I shoved Ryan down flat against the crate and straddled him, sliding my drenched pussy along the outside of his rod while my hair hung down to his chest. I tore at his shirt, and he lifted his back so I could tug it over his head. I ran my fingers over the peaks and valleys of his muscles, pecs like warm cushions of power.

Braden’s fingers found me again from behind, sliding up into my pussy, but I turned and shook my finger at him.

“No, no. That’s not your hole.”

I continued grinding against Ryan’s cock as Braden’s fingers slid out of my pussy, then along the little fold of skin to my rear entrance. He rubbed my own juices around the outside of my asshole, lubricating it in a well-practiced manner. I leaned down to bite Ryan’s lip, pulling back before he could return the kiss, then jabbing forward again to lick his chest. And then Braden’s finger was sliding into my ass, deeper beyond my tight ring as I relaxed for him, accepting him inside my behind. A second finger joined it, moving in and out slowly while he twisted it around. I leaned back against his fingers, letting him know it was what I wanted, that I needed to be warmed up before taking his cock, which Braden had out and was stroking in his other hand.

I turned to Ryan and guided him inside of me with one hand. The head was the easy part compared to the rapidly widening shaft. I pushed down on his girth, and the pressure in the walls of my pussy relented, and he stretched me until I couldn’t be stretched anymore.

“There we go,” I said, grabbing his jaw with my hand and tilting his head to face me. “Just barely enough room.” I swirled my hips in a circle, enjoying how he felt, getting used to how full I was from him. Even now, after being with Ryan for months, I had to let my insides get used to how wide he was before we really got down to business.
