Page 138 of The Proposition

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“Hell yeah,” I said as I reheated it.

The townhouse was silent except for the hum of the microwave. I wondered if Braden had come home. The last thing I wanted to do was rehash what had happened and how terrible of a person I was, but I needed to talk to him about it if I was going to make things right. There was still time to fix things between us, and between his parents. I wasn’t sure how I was going to fix it, but I was determined to do so.

As I took my food out of the microwave, motion caught my eye. Outside in the garden, Dorian sat in a rocking chair facing away from me.

I took my food out there and tapped him on the shoulder. He flinched, then removed the earplugs from his ears.

“Hey, I didn’t hear you come in. How’d things go with Carmina? Was she as harsh a teacher as she looked?”

I sat across from him and blew on my pork fried rice. “Actually she was fantastic. Very helpful, and in a constructive way. She’s already tweaking some of the songs to my singing strengths and weaknesses.”

“Wow,” Dorian said. His legs hung over the edge of the chair lazily, and his handsome face was masked in shadow. “That’s really good to hear. I’m glad Vandercant decided to finally pony up the money to treat this like a real show.”

“Right?” I said around a mouthful of rice. “It’s kind of funny that he gave us a bare-bones budget with his granddaughter as the lead, but now that she’s out he’s taking it more seriously.”

“Maybe even he knew the show was doomed with her at the helm,” Dorian suggested.

“Maybe.” I studied my food for a few heartbeats. “We performed well together tonight. You and me, I mean.”

“Oh. Yeah, uh, we did.” Dorian cleared his throat in the darkness. “It’s nice rehearsing with someone who’s giving it their full attention. After Tatiana, you’re a pleasure to work with.”

I made myself grin at him. “A pleasure, huh?”

Even in the darkness I could see his blush. “That’s not what I meant.”

“You liked having me grinding all over you.”

“I simply enjoyed having a worthwhile rehearsal partner!” he argued. “You know what I mean. You’re just teasing me to be cruel.”

“The two things aren’t mutually exclusive.”

Dorian threw his legs off the chair arm and leaned forward. The light coming from inside caught one side of his face, making his eye twinkle. “Speaking of pleasure, that was some kiss you gave me.”

“Well, we had to practice it,” I said innocently.

“Did we, now?”

“I think so,” I said. “Nothing compares to the real thing.”

He smiled. “So you admit it was real.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Sure it wasn’t. But it felt awfully real to me.”

There was a question in his voice. Like he wanted to say something, but was afraid to until he knew how I felt. For a few moments, things were uncomfortable again.

Forget that, I thought. I wasn’t going back to the way it was before.

I stepped toward him and straddled his legs, sitting down on his lap. I draped my arms around his neck and stared deeply into his eyes.

“We have another sex scene coming up, too.”

“Indeed we do.” His face turned serious. “Maybe we should practice that too.”

My voice barely more than a whisper, I replied, “I love the way you think.”

Dorian kissed me like it was the only thing he’d been thinking about all night, tongue invading my mouth. His hands ran up and down my back, and I explored the feel of his body with mine, even giving his man-bun a playful little squeeze. My lust rose rapidly and I stepped off him so I could slip out of my pants, and he unzipped his own and pulled his cock out. I sat back down on his lap and he pulled my panties aside, revealing my moist pussy for him as I lowered myself onto his shaft.
