Page 119 of The Proposition

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“Hell fucking yeah.” He gave my ass a final smack. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to focus at the theater with that memory in my head.”

“We’ll both just have to try.”

I leaned up to kiss him on the lips, then pulled away with a wink that left him wanting more.



I took another shower after Ryan left, and when I looked at myself in the mirror afterwards there was a huge smile on my face.

Anal had always been an erotic zone for me, but I’d never had more than a finger or small dildo inside. The real thing? It was a million times better. Hearing Ryan groan and tell me how good and tight my ass felt…

I shivered at the fresh memory. I was going to do a lot more of that in the future. And what I really couldn’t wait to try was double-penetration. If one cock was good, two had to be better. That was just simple math.

Ryan was gone by the time I changed and went downstairs. Braden was still out in the garden reading his lines, none the wiser. I couldn’t help but imagine his dick in my ass, while Ryan was fucking my pussy. Their two muscular bodies sandwiching me together, coming inside of me simultaneously…

Braden saw me through the window, and smiled. I gave an awkward little wave and then went into the pantry for that snack I’d originally come down for before getting sidetracked by Ryan. Thank goodness he couldn’t read my thoughts.

I relaxed on the couch for a while, then packed up my change of clothes. Braden was still out in the garden when I checked in on him.

“Hey, I’m heading to the theater,” I told him. “Wanna come with?”

He glanced at his watch and waffled. “Eh. I don’t want to get there too early because then I’ll just stand around staring at the Times writer. I’d rather hang out here until it’s time.”

“Braden Williams,” I said in disbelief. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were nervous.”

He smiled that gorgeous smile of his. “I am nervous. Want to trade parts? I’ll happily be a backup dancer for tonight.”

“I don’t think I have the muscles required for the shirtless scenes,” I teased. “Also, I’m not interested in kissing Tatiana.”

“Me neither.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Tatiana may be annoying, but she’s not ugly.”

He shrugged. “She’s not my type. I like her understudy a lot more. I’ll meet you there later.”

“Yeah, see you then,” I said, flustered by his compliment. Why did he have to tease my heart like that?

“You going over?” Dorian called down from the next floor. “Hold on and I’ll join you.”

A few minutes later we were walking to the train.

“Thanks for telling me about the roof,” I said. “It makes for a great fake-stage.”

“Only if the air conditioner isn’t in the way,” Dorian said with a grimace. “I swear, it’s always smack dab in the middle of whatever track I want to practice.”

“You could always flip which way you face,” I said. “Then it would become stage right instead of stage left.”

He blinked. “I, uh, never thought of that.”

I beamed up at him. “Good thing I’m here, then.”

We got on the train south and sat in silence for a while.

“Hey,” he said. “I’m sorry about the payment for—”

“Stop,” I said. I’d been waiting for this. “We need to stop apologizing to each other. I swear it’s all we’ve done in the past two days. I can’t deal with it.”
