Page 117 of The Proposition

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When my thighs were tired and my throat was all but spent, I finally unplugged my earphones and went back down the fire escape. I showered all the sweat off me, changed into new yoga pants, and then went into the kitchen for a snack. Even after eating lunch, I was famished. Dancing on the roof was hard work.

I found Ryan making a sandwich in the kitchen, tossing an empty deli container into the trash while scowling.

“Did Braden strike again?” I asked.

“Every damn time. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I always am.” He put the rest of his sandwich together, slid it into a zip-lock, and packed it away in a bag.

“Where are you going?”

“To the theater,” he said.

I looked at my watch. “This early?”

“Andy’s already there. I want to check everything a few more times before rehearsal. And go over the footage in case something happened while we were gone.”

“I thought it has motion sensing,” I replied. “To notify you when it detects something during certain hours?”

“It does, but I don’t trust it yet. So I want to double check.”

I chuckled to myself. Ryan believed in ghosts, Bigfoot, and leprechauns, but technology he was skeptical of.

I eyed the handsome redhead. All of his muscles were on display underneath his tank top, with veins practically bulging out everywhere I looked. He must have just gotten done exercising too.

Through the dining room, I could see Braden out in the garden practicing his lines. And Dorian was still out. We had the townhouse to ourselves.

“You sure you want to go to the theater that early?” I asked casually. “I’m sure Andy has it taken care of.”

“You seem awfully intent on keeping me from going to work.” He narrowed his eyes at me.” It’s because you’re the saboteur, isn’t it? I should’ve known.”

“Or,” I said seductively, “it’s because I want you to take me upstairs and stick that cock in my ass.”

His eyes sparkled as he studied my face. “You think you’re ready for that?”

“Only one way to find out.”

As we raced upstairs, Ryan smacked my ass from behind to make me move faster. We’d left the lube in his room, so we closed the door and fell on his bed like two teenagers leaping into a pool.

I tried to kiss him, and he pushed my head away. He waggled a finger in front of my face. “Nuh uh. Remember our rule about kissing.”

“You kissed me last night, thereby nullifying any and all rules to the agreement.”

“That was different,” he said, face very close to mine. I could smell mint on his breath. “I was caught up in the moment. Andy kissed you, and I couldn’t let myself be upstaged by that loser.”

I tried leaning in again, but he held me back playfully. “So you’re saying a threesome is more sensual than individual sex?” I asked.

A mischievous grin split his face. “I’m saying I don’t want to kiss you… on the lips.”

I yelped as he flipped me over on my belly, and then pulled down my yoga pants and panties. He practically ripped them off me, then gripped my ass cheeks with both hands and spread them apart.

And then he dove face-first into my ass.

I cried out with surprise and then deep pleasure as his tongue invaded my rear entrance, wedging it open as he buried it within my tight outer ring. It undulated up and down in waves, the tip flicking inside of me in a sensuality that I’d never experienced before. An all-new erogenous zone was being explored, and it was better than any other I’d felt.

“Tell me what you want,” he demanded in a rough voice.

“Eat my ass,” I moaned into the pillow. “I want you to eat my ass.”

“Fucking right.”
