Page 105 of The Proposition

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Ryan gave me a mischievous smile. “You heard me.”

Andy’s eyes were white spheres behind his frames. “I am not sure…”

“Oh come on,” Ryan said. “You want to find out if you’re really jealous? Then we should experiment. With our bodies.” He did a little dance, swaying back and forth from a sitting position.

Andy grabbed the bottle of scotch from him. “Sounds like you’ve had enough.”

“I’m a hundred percent sober, and a hundred percent serious.” He glanced at me. “And I think our beautiful roommate here is interested too.”

I could feel my blush spreading across my cheeks as the two of them waited for my response. It was intriguing. Andy was handsome and clean-cut, while Ryan was a little rougher around the edges. Both were incredibly sexy in their own way. And I’d been with both of them, separately.

But together…

I took the bottle from Andy and drank a very long pull. The fire down my throat felt like courage. “I might be interested in group activities. But only if Andy is too.”

Andy had claimed that he wasn’t jealous, both privately to me and in front of Ryan. But there was a huge difference between claiming it and proving it. Having a threesome ruined even the strongest of relationships. It wasn’t something you could jump into carelessly.

Thoughts churned behind the frames of his glasses. He ran a hand through his blond hair, every strand falling perfectly back into place. Then a small smile touched his lips.


“Are you sure?” I asked. “I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

He put a warm hand on my thigh. “I’m very comfortable.”

Ryan pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his bulging muscles. “What are we waiting for?”

Andy grabbed me first, tilting down to kiss me hard and rough on the lips. The forcefulness of him, mirroring how eagerly he’d fucked me in the park today, made me tingle and moan.

Ryan pushed him aside, half-playful and half-demanding. He tenderly slid his fingers along my neck and around the back, weaving into my hair. He tightened his fingers and pulled me toward him, our lips meeting with soft, sensual inevitability. I parted my lips for him, inviting his tongue into my mouth. He obliged slowly, and I received the wet warmth like it was everything I’ve ever wanted in the world.

We’re kissing on the lips, I realized. Breaking our rule, and more than just the other night when I’d kissed Ryan after sex.

I didn’t care, and neither did Ryan.

All the while I could feel Andy next to us, chest heaving with each breath and watching with desire. I kissed Ryan harder. When Andy couldn’t wait any longer he bent down to kiss my shoulder, then the back of my neck while his hands slid along my belly and up underneath my shirt. I moaned into Ryan’s mouth as Andy’s hand slipped inside and cupped my breast.

Still not breaking my kiss, Ryan reached down and untied the laces of my pajama pants. When they were sufficiently loose, Andy grabbed them from behind and yanked them down. I could feel his hot breath on my ass as he lingered down there, thick hands running up my thighs, drawing closer to the place I wanted him to touch. My tongue danced with Ryan’s while Andy gently gripped my panties, sliding them down to join my pajamas on the ground. I stepped out of them and widened my stance.

Please, I thought. Please touch me, eat me, taste me…

I felt him kiss my calf, then a little bit higher. The prickles of Andy’s cheeks scratched up the back of my knee as he kissed and licked his way up. As he neared my ass he turned away, tracing a line with his tongue up the outside of my thigh. I shivered as he found my hip bone, planting an extra-long kiss there.

“Ohh…” I let out as Ryan pulled away. He grinned at me, then lowered his lips to my neck and nuzzled me roughly.

I felt Andy’s bulge press into my thigh as he rose. I turned my head toward him, and he took my lips with his like they were a pleasure he’d been denied, his own tongue now swirling wetly with mine the way I had with Ryan. His hand slid down my back and over my cheek, sliding in between and underneath, then up to my wet pussy. I quivered as his thick fingers pressed along my slit, rubbing the entire area in a circle, spreading my slick moisture all around. One finger curled up, parting my lips and rubbing in a “come here” motion.

Ryan pulled my shirt up halfway so he could find one of my nipples, gently nibbling it between his lips in a way that sent lightning bolts of pleasure through my body. I let my hand slide down his bare chest to the front of his jeans, lingering there a moment before rubbing his cock through the denim. He made a deep noise in his throat that vibrated into my nipple; I grabbed hold of his red hair and held him to it, begging him to suck harder.

Andy’s finger slid deeper inside, pressing hard against my inner walls.

Finally Ryan couldn’t handle my rubbing; he pulled away and yanked his jeans off. His thick cock and tuft of red hair bulged into view. He pulled me down to the blankets on the stage and pushed me onto my back with a forceful hand planted on my chest. Andy lowered himself with us to take my shirt the rest of the way off, leaving me completely nude.

Ryan grabbed both of my legs and spread me wide, flexing the thick muscles in his arms.

I leaned back and said, “Take yours off,” to Andy, a demand rather than a request. He obliged, his own massive cock glistening in the soft light of the theater. “Shirt too.”

When he was completely nude, I dragged him down to me, then grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled him into a kiss while Ryan rubbed his dick along my slit, teasing me.
