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“That’s so what?” I chuckled. “Don’t tell me you’re shy, Sam. You’re the one who wants to do it out here.”

“That’s only because I know I’ll wake the whole building if we do it back at the penthouse.”

A thrill shot through me. “You want to get loud, huh?”

“If memory serves correctly,youwere the one who couldn’t keep their voice down.”

I laughed. “I think we were equally matched.”

Sam swallowed, nibbling on her bottom lip. She was soaking wet, the sound of her slick skin as she pleasured herself just as glorious as her wanton moans. “If I’m going to show you mine, you’d better show me yours.”

“Would you like that?”

“Very much. Let me watch you stroke your big cock.”

I wrapped my fingers around my shaft and did as she asked, more focused on her than myself. “That’s it, Sam. Keep touching yourself. I want you nice and wet for me when I take you.”

Her hips canted toward me, her knees trembling on either side of my thighs. I wanted to burn the image of her beautiful body into the back of my retinas so I could see her every waking second of every day.

“Do you know how often I think about you?” I asked her. “I’ve wanted to have you for so long.”

“Then why haven’t you?” she grumbled, almost pouting. “You were always welcome to join us, you know.”

“Work,” I grunted. “And before I shared you with the guys, I wanted to have you all to myself.”

Sam keened forward, one hand pressed to my chest as her fingers worked her clit faster and faster. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted you to join us.”

“I’m both greedy and selfless like that.”

“You’re infuriating is what you are.”

I laughed. “I like it when you’re all flustered like this. Tell me, are you close?”


“Come for me, Sam. Then I’m going to fill you up. Would you like that?”

“Yes!” she exclaimed. “Yes, I want you to—”


She shattered above me, her body trembling as climax ripped through her. I reached up to brush her hair away from her face. She looked glorious, nothing short of angelic with the lights of Macau illuminating her curvy silhouette.

“Come here,” I mumbled, capturing her lips as she carefully positioned herself over me. She reached down and pressed the head of my cock to her entrance, her warm, wet folds welcoming me home.

Sam gasped as she sank down, taking me inch by inch. Her pussy clenched around me, igniting a fire deep within my core.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” I groaned. “You’re fucking perfect, Sam. Like you were made for me. Look how beautiful you are on my cock.”

“Kris,” she whimpered. “Oh, Kris,yes!”

“That’s it, take your time. Ride my cock, Sam —fuck.”

She took me slowly, grinding her hips and taking me all the way to the hilt. Her languid moans filled the car, along with the slap of skin against skin and the creak of the car’s suspension.

“I tried looking for you, you know,” I said between grunts. The tight coil in the pit of my stomach was growing hotter and brighter with every pass. I was getting dangerously close, every slide of her beautiful body pushing me closer and closer to the edge. “I tried looking for you when I got back.”

“You d-did?” she asked, panting. She was working up a sweat. I gripped her by the hips and helped guide her body, attempting to alleviate some of the stress on her muscles.
