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“Lucky son of a bitch,” I thought I heard the bartender mumble under his breath. Pride spiked through me.

You’ve got that right, buddy.

When we got back up to the penthouse and stepped into my ensuite bathroom, we really did just take a shower. Our exhaustion from our near-death experience the day before finally hit us in one massive wave. I held her in my arms under the warm spray of the shower, gently caressing the back of her neck and the length of her slender back. It felt so nice to be pressed up against her naked body, the soft, smooth feeling of her skin against me the perfect recipe to alleviate my stress.

It was the quiet calm that I wanted and didn’t realize that I needed. Being with Sam… It was easy. My mind was blank, but in a good way. No thoughts of work or plans or memories of the past. It was just her and me and I was so grateful to Adam for having found her. There was an ease to my soul that hadn’t been there for years, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was all thanks to her.

I couldn’t tell how much time had passed. We were at no risk of running out of hot water, but I called it a day when both our fingers became pruny. I took great pleasure in toweling Sam dry, sweeping the soft cotton over her skin as I pressed my lips to every single one of her curves. She giggled when I kissed her just above her lowest rib, a secret ticklish spot that I committed to memory.

Sam leaned against the edge of the porcelain sink, her eyes heavy and her smile dopey.

“Will you join me in bed tonight?” I asked her, tracing my hands along her arms.

She nodded. “Absolutely,” she murmured as she circled her arms around my neck. She gasped when I picked her up a good six inches off the floor, our chests pressed together as I carried her to my bed and laid her down.

I was already aching to be inside her, but I wanted nothing more than to taste her sweet pussy. Settling between her legs, I hooked my hands around her thighs and teased her swollen clit. Sam was already soaked, each flick of my tongue making her gasp.

“Oh, Charlie,” she sighed.

“Fuck, you make me so hard, Sam. Look at what you do to me.”

“I want you inside me,” she pleaded, her voice tight. “Please, I want to feel you come inside me.”

“Anything for you.”

I rose and gripped her by the waist, flipping her over quickly so that she was face down against my sheets in a mere second. I nudged her legs apart with my knees and sunk down, blanketing her back with my body. I mouthed at her ear lobe, unable to stop myself from growling.

“I’m gonna make you scream, baby.”

Sam shivered, grinding her ass against my stiff cock. “Fuck me already, you tease!”

I plunged into her, her pussy tight and wet and so wonderfully hot. She took me all the way in, stretching to fit my length. The drag across a certain point of her walls made her squeal and moan like she’d lost her mind. I aimed for it again and again, snapping my hips against her with a delicious slap.

“Oh, fuck,” she hissed. “Oh, right there, baby!”

There was a knock at the door. I didn’t bother stopping when I barked, “Come in.”

Adam poked his head in, grinning mischievously. Liam was right behind him, his eyes glued to Sam with the utmost reverie.

“So that’s where the two of you got up to,” Adam joked. “I should have known.”

Sam reached for them, practically mewling as she rasped, “Adam, Liam, I want—”

“Do you want us to join you, sweetheart?” Liam asked, already loosening his tie.

“Yes please!”

I had no qualms about sharing Sam for the night. In fact, I encouraged it. Seeing her come undone, giving in to her senses brought me an indescribable amount of joy. I slipped out of her and rolled her onto her back, quickly resuming my efforts as the guys undressed and joined us on the bed.

Adam and Liam lay on either side of her, kissing her everywhere they could comfortably manage. Her cheeks, her lips, her neck. While Adam marked her skin feverishly with strong kisses, Liam teased her with light licks to her pebbling nipples. Sam worked just as enthusiastically, taking their cocks in either hand and stroking them quickly.

I could tell that she was getting close because of the way her walls fluttered around me, coating my cock with her slick heat. When the head of my erection dragged over her g-spot, Sam’s back arched as her eyes rolled back, a breathy cry vibrating through the room. I didn’t last much longer, spilling inside with three hard thrusts.

I licked my lips, allowing myself to soften inside her. “That was amazing.”

“Tell us what you want next, angel,” Adam said. “What will make you feel good?”

“I want…” She panted, swallowed.
