Page 47 of Broken Promises

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Her eyes have fear in them. It’s like she thinks I’m going to hurt her, but it’s my job to keep her safe, always. My dick throbs, come threatening to erupt, as I stare down at her plump tits and her glistening, soaked slit.

“Dimitri,” she whispers.

“Is this how you want it, then?” I snarl, climbing onto the bed.

She moans and opens her legs for me, letting me slide my manhood up her thigh and to her hole. When I kiss her entrance with my hard dick, she reaches down and grabs me. “Nah-uh,” she moans. “Not yet. Let me do something else. I want to make you feel how you make me feel.”

She strokes her hand up and down my length. I lean back slightly, letting me get a better view of her body. She has one eyebrow raised, nodding as she does it like she wants to make sure she’s driving me as nuts as I drove her.

The way her tits shake push me right to the edge. Her hand moves slick and hot and fast up and down my dick. Toward the end, when I feel the come pushing right against my tip, it’s almost like I’m fucking her tight virgin hole. Each time her big, juicy, curvy tits shake, it’s like I’m pounding into her. Fucking her. Owning her.

Ah, ah,ah. Come erupts, exploding all over her pussy. She gasps as wave after wave of hot release lands on her virgin slit. I stare down in awe at the sight of her thick, gorgeous folds soaked with my come, her slit still shining and wanting more.

“Oh, fuck,” I growl, getting hard again already as I slip my hand over to her pussy. With my hand wet with my come mixed with her juices, I slide my fingers easily into her.

She makes the hottest whimpering, shocked noise as I start finger fucking her. My dick floods with tension again. She looks down between our bodies, gasping as she stares at me.

“It’s because I need you,” I tell her, as her pussy makes wet noises and tightens around my finger. “I know, I know. Later, but for now, just come for me again.”

Her moans louder as her hips chase the pleasure, moving back and forth. When I slip a second finger into her, she scrapes her hands down my chest. I don’t even feel the bruising anymore or remember the pain. All that feels real is my woman—my Lia. When she comes the second time, I lean down and kiss her, catching the orgasm and tasting her pleasure.

After, she mutters, “Do you think… or is that silly?”

“Iswhatsilly?” I say, kissing her on the cheek.

She smiles. I can feel the shape of her face shifting against my mouth. “I mean, just now, you sort of put your, you know, stuff into me.”

“My come?” I say, laughing. “Don’t get shy on me now.”

“Yeah, but what if it gets me pregnant? Does it work like that? Should I get the pill or something?”

“No,” I say firmly. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

She tilts her head, studying me. I don’t want to explain it, but the idea of her using the pill makes me feel sick. I can’t even explain it to myself. It comes from the same place as knowing that Lia is the one for me, with the same certainty. I don’t have to question it. I don’t even have to think about it.

Lia belongs to me. That includes her womb. I don’t care how fucked-up that is.



Just after lunchtime, I go to the library and lay out some newspaper. My stuff and painting supplies from the Sokolov Securities offices have finally arrived. It feels good to wear my old hoodie and sweats, even if they’re tattered. It brings some sense of normalcy to this craziness.

Soon after the steaminess, Dimitri’s alarm went off, and he had to leave. He had to go into the city, make an appearance at the office, and then handle whatever business Bratva people have to handle. I wonder if I should feel lucky to have stayed here, but I wish I could help.

I start a new piece, letting my imagination go wherever it wants to, not thinking about it too much, just letting it flow. I end up sketching the outline of a woman holding a baby. Earlier, when we were half asleep, I’m sure Dimitri said something about me being a mom. I’d be a good mom or something, but maybe I was dreaming.

“Miss,” Yuri says from behind me. Dimitri ordered the butler to stay here, along with extra security around the house. “Miss Petrov would like to speak with you.”

“Sure, Yuri. Thank you.”

It feels awkward having a butler, but when I tried to make a joke with Yuri, he seemed uncomfortable. I cover the sketch with blank paper, not wanting Mila to see it.

When she walks in, I can tell she’s had as little sleep as me. She’s showered, but her eyes are pits, and she has a drawn-out look. She approaches with her hands clasped, almost making me angry at how nervous she seems. She has a coddled princess look, but it’s not fair. Her life is hell. Her brother is trapped. I need to have some compassion.

“How are you feeling?” she asks.

“Not bad, actually,” I say, answering honestly. Maybe I should feel worse, but there’s something so secure, so powerful about Dimitri. I know he’d fight any demons for me. “You must be worried sick.”
