Page 94 of Finding Mr. Write

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He smiled. Ready before he was, as always. He still hurried, in hopes of sharing an elevator down… and maybe a good-morning kiss, but she must have texted as she was leaving. He reached the lobby just as she finished up at the desk.

As she walked over, he took a moment to admire her. She was dressed casually today, in slim-fitting jeans and a light jersey with the sleeves rolled up. Her hair fell in loose waves and her lips were bright coral. Ankle boots added an extra inch or two, and two businessmen waiting to check out turned as she passed. They continued to watch, brows furrowed slightly as if trying to figure out who she was. Because she seemed like someone. A model or an actor dressing down for a flight.

She looked amazing, and she was walking straight to him. When she leaned in to kiss him, he almost jumped in surprise. It was a quick graze of the lips, no more than a peck, but he didn’t fail to notice the two businessmen exchange an eye roll, as if to say, Of course, she’s with him.

Yes, gentlemen, she is.

He took her suitcase and rolled it outside, where it was still night. The car wasn’t there yet, so he tucked them into a corner. Then he pulled her to him in a kiss, letting it stretch as long as he dared before he’d forget they were supposed to be waiting for a car.

He pulled back, just enough to speak, their lips almost touching.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Good morning indeed.” She sounded a little breathless, and he tried not to grin at that.

He started to ask how she slept, maybe flirt a little about that, when she reached up to lay a hand on his chest.

“We’re going to have another long day,” she said, “and before that takes over, I wanted to say something.”

He struggled to focus on her words. That wasn’t easy when all he could see right now were her lips moving, tempting him to kiss her again.

“I don’t expect anything to come of this,” she said.

That woke him up. “What?”

She ran her hand up his chest, her gaze slightly lowered. “Whatever we’re starting. I know what it is, and I’m fine with that. Good with it, actually.”

“What it is?” he said slowly.

“A fling. A bit of fun. Nothing serious.” She moved closer to him. “That’s fine. Good actually. I’m not…” She made a face, her gaze still slightly averted. “I’m not in a place for anything more.” She looked at him then and smiled. “This is good. Whatever this is.”

As his stomach plummeted, he wanted to ignore it. He just needed to change her mind.

Ignore her wishes and steer her in the direction he wanted to go.

That was not the way to start something. Not the way to start anything.

Before this went any further, he needed to speak up. No misunderstandings that would start digging a hole they might never get out of. She’d been clear, and he owed it to her to be the same.

“And if that’s not what I want?”

He said the words in hope, a hope that her face would light up. That she’d only said she wanted a fling, because she thought it was what he wanted, and now he’d set her straight and—


That’s all she said. Oh.

Then she stepped back.

“Well, that’s…” she said, her voice shaky. “That’s…”

“A problem?”

“I don’t… I don’t know.”

Okay, at least she didn’t say yes, it was definitely a problem.

“I’m not looking for a fling, Daphne. Not with you. That way lies disappointment. For both of us, but mostly for me.” He tried to smile, but it felt painful and twisted.
