Page 82 of Finding Mr. Write

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“I… I knocked because Sakura texted.”

There. She’d told him. No need to explain that they were late for breakfast. Later, she’d text her apologies to Sakura and pretend she’d just gotten the message.

“Right,” he said, running a hand through his hair and only tousling it more. “New publicist. Breakfast at nine. We have plenty of time. It’s only…”

He saw the clock and bolted upright.

“I know,” she said. “That’s what I came to say. She texted me.”

He swung his legs out of bed. “How are we late? I set the alarm.” He peered at the clock and swore.

She saw the problem. The clock showed a little dot beside the PM indicator.

“Never trust hotel clocks,” she said.

“No kidding.”

She quickly texted Sakura.

Daphne: Ack! Just got this! Set the hotel clock alarm, and it was on PM. Give us 10 minutes.

She showed the text to Chris. When he nodded, she hit Send.

“She’ll be in the hotel restaurant,” Daphne said. “First one ready heads straight down.”


She smiled, trying not to regret what could have been. Coffee in bed with near-naked Chris.

Goddamn it.

Her phone buzzed.

Sakura: I’ll order coffee. See you in 10!

Daphne pushed off her regrets and ran to get ready.


Daphne was already in the restaurant when he arrived. Because of course she was. How the hell had she managed that? Chris hadn’t showered, hadn’t shaved, just pulled on clothing, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and ran his hands through his hair when he couldn’t immediately find his brush. She’d still beat him, and she looked as fresh and polished as if she’d spent an hour getting ready.

When he stepped into the restaurant, she saw him, her lips curving in a smile that had his feet stutter-stepping. She lifted a hand, as if he somehow might miss seeing her. He tugged his shirt and slowed to switch into Zane mode, which meant focusing on this breakfast meeting and not wishing like hell he was back in bed.

He’d woken the second Daphne knocked on his bedroom door. He’d only been half asleep anyway. He’d heard the knock and the creak of the door swinging open and done nothing. Just lay in bed, letting her come in, seeing what she’d do.

What she’d done was exactly what he’d hoped she’d do. Stopped for a look. He’d given it just long enough, before she might realize she was ogling him and retreat. Then he’d opened one eye, pairing it with a lazy smile, hoping to entice her in… and instead she’d beat a hasty retreat, which he really should have expected.

Still, he’d tried again, inviting her in and posing, just a little. Okay, fine. Posing a lot. And she’d watched. She’d made no secret of watching, which was exactly what he wanted… until she mentioned the text and he realized they were late for their breakfast meeting.

Even if he’d followed his determination to keep it slow and flirty, did he want her distracted? Thinking about the fact she was missing a meeting, making someone sit in the restaurant while she flirted with him?

Mmm, I think there might have been more than flirting coming. But we’ll never know because you—

He silenced the voice. This trip was not about getting Daphne in bed. It was about getting positive publicity for her book. Anything else was a bonus. Okay, a very good bonus, but still, he had to prioritize, at least until the tour was done.

“Good morning, sir,” Daphne said, smiling up from the table.

He should tell her to stop calling him that. Except… was it wrong that it was kinda hot? Especially the way she said it, with a slight teasing smile, a private joke between them.
