Page 52 of Finding Mr. Write

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“Thank you. I’m sorry you were put in that position.”

“It’s fine, but now I don’t know whether she’ll realize the bear was an excuse and be offended or accept the temporary excuse and make another pass at me. I need a real reason—something she can’t take personally.”

“It’s not you, it’s me.”

“Exactly. I know you didn’t want to pretend we were a couple, but maybe, if we could just hint at it?”

“Are you asking me to be your fake girlfriend, Chris?”

He blushed. “If that’s okay. Or we can come up with something—”

Footsteps sounded outside the shop. Running for the shop.

“Zane?” Sofia called. “Dana? Is there really a bear? Do you need help?”

“We need to—” Chris began.

“I’ve got this.” Daphne reached up to stroke his cheek, let Sofia see her touching Chris in a way that said they were more than author and assistant.

“Good idea,” he said… and kissed her.

The first second was shock. The next second was panic.

Did he think she’d been going to kiss him? He must have.

And then she forgot shock and panic and pretty much everything else in existence because Chris was kissing her and… Oh, wow.

His mouth was firm and somehow also teasing, his lips barely opening. A confident kiss that said he knew what he was doing, but also that he wasn’t doing all he could, respectful of the fact that this was a charade, while making it such a damn good charade that she wished it wasn’t a charade.

And you call yourself a writer? What kind of nonsensical blather is that?

The nonsensical blather of a brain too untethered to form rational thought beyond Oh God, Chris Stanton is kissing me, and he is such a good kisser.

Yep, obviously she really was thirteen again.

She didn’t notice where his hands were. Didn’t even notice where his body was in relation to hers. She was entirely caught up in—


The voice came from behind her. Who the hell was that? Whoever it was needed to leave and let Chris keep kissing—

Shit! Sofia!

The whole point of this kiss was standing behind them.

Daphne whirled in shock that was only half feigned. “Oh my God.” Her hands flew to her lips. “I’m so sorry. I thought we closed the door.”

“It’s okay, babe,” Chris said, putting his arm around her.

“Babe”? Really? That better be Zane speaking.

Chris pulled her to him as if she might scamper off like a spooked fawn. “I’m sorry, Sofia. I needed to talk to Dana.” He cleared his throat. “I reacted poorly earlier, and I made a silly excuse. Then I realized how it looked to Dana—me shirtless in my room with you—so I had to get her out here and explain. You both deserved better, and I apologize.”

Far from looking angry, Sofia stared as if she’d seen a unicorn. “Oh! Yes, of course. I had no idea you two…”

Chris’s arm tightened around Daphne. “We’re very private people. No subterfuge was intended.”

“I understand.” She looked at Daphne. “Now I’ll apologize. To both of you. If I’d known he was in a relationship, I’d have stayed away.”
