Page 33 of Finding Mr. Write

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He stretched his arm out and popped his biceps, but it only got polite laughs before Sofia lasered in on him again.

“I’d like to see you handling the rifles,” she said. “Talk about them, load them, maybe fire a few rounds at a target?”

Okay, he wasn’t overreacting. This line of questioning wasn’t going to end, and he needed Daphne’s collaboration to pull it off. For the sake of her book.

Chris hid his panic with a thoughtful frown. “Is that really such a good idea?” Before Sofia could speak, he continued, lowering his voice. “Edge is intended for young adults. Teenagers. Yes, in the book, Theo uses firearms for survival, and at some point, we could discuss that and I could show the sort of gun she might use. But, given the intended audience, I would hate to do anything that might seem like I’m glorifying firearms.”

“He has a point,” Daphne said quickly. “Readers might like to see what sort of rifle Theo uses, but it really should be framed as educational. Like showing the landscape she inhabits.” Daphne waved at the wilderness.

“What type of gun does she use?” Sofia said.

“A Browning composite rifle,” Daphne blurted. “Which Zane has in his locker—Oh, you were asking Zane. Sorry. I’m the keeper of his series bible, and I got excited by the chance to show off.”

“Yes,” Chris said. “I’ll show you Theo’s rifle. First, though, might I suggest you get some more footage of this lovely, pristine wilderness? I’m going to help Dana tidy up.”

“You don’t need—” Daphne began.

He bowed. “I insist.” He picked up the coffee tray and motioned for her to get the door.


When they were in the kitchen, Daphne whispered, “I’m not sure we should let them wander around unsupervised. I wasn’t kidding about the grizzly—”

“I need to talk to you.”

She stopped as he set the coffee tray on the counter. A quick glance toward the windows showed the three-person film crew descending the steps. They wouldn’t go far, would they? It’d been a few months since she’d last seen the grizzly, and it’d taken off when it heard her.

“Is it about the guns?” she said. “I’ll open the safe for you and—”

“I’m an accountant.”

Daphne cocked her head, certain she’d heard wrong. “You’re counting on…?”

“I’m an accountant. Not an actor.”

She waited for the punch line. Because there had to be one. Seeing she was stressed over this interview, he was trying to lighten the mood.

“You’re…?” she began.

“A chartered accountant. Chris Stanton. I’m Nia’s accountant, actually.”

She was about to laugh when a memory flashed. Nia and Daphne meeting for lunch when Daphne came to town for the Surrey International Writers Conference.

“Oh, I have a new accountant,” Nia had said. “If you need one, I’d totally recommend him. Super smart. Super sweet. And hot.”


“Weirdly hot. For an accountant.” Nia paused, fork halfway to her lips. “I shouldn’t say that. Bad stereotyping, Nia. I’m sure there are tons of hot accountants out there.”

“You’re crushing on your new accountant?”

“What? No. Totally not my type. However, if you should need a new accountant…” She waggled her brows. “I could hook you up.”

Oh God. No. Nia wouldn’t.

“Daphne?” Chris said.

She clutched the counter edge, her knees wobbling as her stomach lurched.
