Page 15 of Finding Mr. Write

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Daphne: It’s AMAZING!!!

Chris: Cool. Maybe you’ll hit number one next week.

Daphne: LOL. Nah, there’s a Stephen King book in number one.

Chris: Who?

Chris: Wait! I know that guy. He does movies, right? I liked “It.” Does he also write books?

Daphne: Yes. Yes, he does.

MAY 29

Daphne: OMG! Edge hit #1!!!!!

Chris: Huh. Guess that Steve guy isn’t so good after all.

Daphne: His book came out months ago, and I probably outsold him by two copies. My publisher is THRILLED, though. They want more books!

Chris: You need to write more?

Daphne: I WANT to write more.

Chris: Huh. But I guess if they pay you well, that’s good, right? You can afford to move someplace warmer.

Chris: D? You still there?

MAY 30

Chris: Hey, D! Did you see the email? Your publisher wants me to go on tour. Cool, huh?

Daphne: No.

Chris: Not cool?

Daphne: No touring. It’s in the contract.

Chris: I don’t mind. I’d like signing books. I’ll wear my glasses.

Daphne: I mean Lawrence, my agent, put a clause in my contract. I don’t have to do touring or in-person events unless I hit a certain sales level, which I will never—

Daphne: Lawrence just texted. Can I get back to you?

MAY 31

Daphne: You got the information for the tour, right?

Chris: I did!

Daphne: Four stops. We’re going to need to prepare. A lot.

Chris: But you’ll be with me, right?

Daphne: They’ll assign you an escort.

Chris: Uh, that’s an interesting perk, but I think I’m good.

Daphne: What?
