Page 142 of Finding Mr. Write

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She was so busy admiring his form that she didn’t notice he was carrying coffees until he handed her one. She checked the time. Barely seven. Perfect. They didn’t need to leave the bedroom anytime soon. If breakfast was a half hour away, that meant time to do more than ogle—

Her phone buzzed. Daphne hesitated before reluctantly glancing at the message.

“It’s Sakura,” she said. “She’s wondering where we stand on… the interview? What—Shit!” Daphne nearly spilled her coffee as she sat straight up in bed. “That’s why we were taking the train. You have a morning show at ten.”

She checked the phone again for the next message. “Sakura says she can cancel. She’ll say you’re not accustomed to all the public speaking and you’ve lost your voice.”

“Up to you,” Chris said as he sat on the bed. “I can do this one last interview rather than cancel. I was thinking…” He cleared his throat. “Suggestion only. If you want to come out as Zane tonight, we’ll do that. Either way we should skip the afternoon stock signings.”

“Agreed. I don’t want stores pissed off because they have two hundred copies with the wrong…” She trailed off. “Everyone who got their book signed before now has the wrong signature.” Her heart pounded, and she felt herself starting to doom spiral. “They’re going to be furious.”

Chris reached out to hug her. “Not the wrong signature. A limited-edition alternate. We’ll talk to Sakura, but I suspect we can spin even that to your benefit.”

She nodded, taking deep breaths. Then she sent back a reply to Sakura.

“I owe Sakura a huge thank-you gift,” she said to Chris. “I also need to write the most gushing recommendation to her superiors.”

“I need to give her something, too. My stunt yesterday put her on the spot.”

Daphne smiled. “Oh, I think she got her payment watching you stand there as she drove away.” Her phone pinged. “She’s replied. She might be late to the interview, but she’ll take us to breakfast after.” Daphne looked pointedly at the room-service menu. “Whoops.”

“Guess we get a second breakfast.”

She grinned and set her phone down. “Works for me.” Another peek at her watch as she slid toward him. “We’ll need to pop out and get you something to wear for the show, but we have twenty-five minutes to kill before our first breakfast arrives. Any idea how we’ll fill it?”

Chris reached out to cup her bare breasts, and his very touch sent her pulse racing. His fingers grazed her nipples, still sore after last night. This only made them even more sensitive, and they jumped to attention at his touch.

He leaned in and whispered, “I may have an idea, but I’m not sure you’ll go for it. It’s a little… risqué.”

“More risqué than sex in a train bathroom? Thirty minutes of sex in a train bathroom?”

“This possibly is more risqué. It can be a… delicate subject. Not everyone’s idea of fun.”

She grinned and met his gaze. “You have my attention.”

“I propose we spend our twenty minutes…” He put his lips to her ear. “With some couple-based financial planning.”

She smacked his bare chest hard enough to make him yelp.

“Is that a no?” he said, smirking.

“Depends on whether ‘couple-based finances’ is a euphemism for me paying you for sex. Which I totally could.” She waggled her brows. “I am loaded these days.”

He smiled. “Nah, I’ll take my payment the old-fashioned way. In very expensive gifts.”

“Scotch, right?” She reached for her phone. “Let me order you that case.”

He caught her hand. “I was thinking baking supplies. My measuring cups are shit, and I’ve been eyeing this one set, but it’s very expensive. Nearly thirty bucks.”

“I believe I can afford that.”

“Don’t be so quick. I’ll need two sets if you want me baking brownies for you in the Yukon, too.”

She swung her leg over him to straddle his lap. “You know our twenty minutes is slipping by.”

“That’s my plan. I stall until we just get started, knowing breakfast will arrive at any second, and the door could open, someone walking in…”

She rolled her eyes. “The door is locked, Stanton. Locked and bolted.”
