Page 112 of Finding Mr. Write

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—the hotel room phone rang. Daphne broke the kiss with a groan and dropped her head onto his shoulder.

“Why do phones exist?” she said. “To keep us apart forever?”

“I think so. In this case, though, I believe it’s a sign that our dinner has arrived and we should hit Pause on this until after the signing. Which is probably for the best.”

Her brows shot up. “I think we have very different definitions of ‘best.’ A concerning difference that could have a serious impact on our relationship.”

“Mmm. That depends. My definition of ‘best’ is a night together, with all phones turned off, hours of no interruptions… rather than setting a timer for ten minutes before we need to get ready for the event.”

“I don’t know. Ten minutes doesn’t sound so bad when it’s ten minutes to finally get something you’ve been lusting after for weeks.”

“Lusting after me? Or after…” He waved a hand down his body.

“Depends. The first time I met you, I lusted after…” She tilted her head. “Well, nothing, really.”

“Because I stole your parking spot? I thought that was supposed to be sexy. I’ve read the articles, you know. They say that stealing a woman’s parking spot is guaranteed to show her what a selfish prick you are, and she’ll be unable to resist. Lies?”

“All lies. Sorry. However, once you got past that, things improved. Once you sent that photo of you half naked with the cub, they really improved.”

“The lusting began?”

“Yep. Sending me brownie photos. Walking around my house topless. Swimming in my lake almost naked. Such a tease.”

“Hey, I know my strengths.”

“You do indeed, and I loved every second of seeing you flaunt them. You are one hell of a sexy man. But do you know where the sexiest part of you is?” She leaned down again, fingers under his chin and looked him in the eyes. “There.”

He lifted his fingers to her hair and pulled her in for a kiss, their lips touching and—

—the hotel phone rang again.

“Huh,” she said. “That must have stopped earlier.”

“Didn’t notice,” he murmured. “If you really want those ten minutes, we could…”

She sighed. “No, you’re right. We should wait.”

“Now who’s the tease?”

She bent for a quick kiss. “I’ve realized ten minutes will not be enough.”

He smiled. “It will not.”

“Okay, then. If you can go down and get dinner, I will write a damn email to Robbie. Get that out of the way. Will you check it over before I hit Send?”


“Then let’s get through this event. How fast can you sign books?”

He grinned. “You’re about to find out.”



This was the first “real” signing, and Daphne had been so excited. Yet once she got there, it wasn’t what she expected.

The problem was Chris. Oh, fine, Chris himself wasn’t a problem. The opposite, actually, which was the problem. She’d come to see and hear readers, and the only person she could see and hear was Chris, standing at the podium, talking to those readers.
