Page 78 of Love Betrayal

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We try to forget Rosalind and all her bullshit, but it’s hard. We’re both still a bit shaken.

“Thanks for having my back today,” Julianna says suddenly, tucking her hair back behind her ear.

“Always,” I reply. I love our time together, and I love that Romeo knew that she would need a little break from motherhood, but I know that after today we might not get another one without someone guarding us.

But today we did a damn good job of looking after ourselves, if I do say so myself.

“This is my first time leaving Julian,” she admits, checking her phone. “And after what happened, I just want him in my arms. Should we go?”

I nod. “Yeah, let’s.”

When we walk back into the clubhouse we see River gently rocking Julian, Hades snuggled up on his left side, obviously supervising, and Romeo coming out of the kitchen with a fresh bottle of pumped breast milk. They both seem to have it all under control between the two of them.

“You’re back,” Romeo says, smiling widely. His smile drops when he sees our faces. “What’s wrong?”

Julianna takes her son in her arms and holds him close. “Rosalind showed up, she pulled a knife, Bella pulled a gun. And then Rosalind took a hostage—”

“But no one got hurt, and we handled ourselves,” I add, wincing at the rage I see flash in River’s eyes.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Romeo demands, frowning. “I’m going to fucking kill—”

Julianna scowls. “Not in front of Julian.”

River comes closer to me and pulls me against him. “Are you okay?”

I nod. “I’m fine now.”

He looks to Romeo. “I know she is Julianna’s sister, but the next time she does something, I’m not going to care.”

Romeo looks at Julianna but nods in agreement.

“You can’t kill my sister,” Julianna says to River, as she takes a deep breath. “I know how crazy that sounds considering everything she does, but I just couldn’t live with myself—”

“Just pretend she went on a long vacation,” River helpfully remarks.

I elbow him.

“I don’t know why she wants to see Julian so bad, but it makes me feel uneasy,” Julianna admits. “I hope that she just leaves it alone. I need to tell my parents what happened today. What if we had Julian with us? It’s so scary to think he could have been around during all this.”

Romeo comforts her, promising that nothing will happen.

“How was Julian?”

“He cried, but we handled it, didn’t we, River?” Romeo replies, still watching Julianna with concern etched into his furrowed brow.

River looks over at me with narrowed eyes and says, “Yes, we did. And, Bella, we are waiting a year before we have one of our own like we agreed. Don’t look at me like I’m a piece of meat.”

I roll my eyes.

He then picks me up, throws me over his shoulder and carries me out. “What are you doing? I have things to do,” I call out, squeezing his ass cheeks. He has a really nice ass.

He throws me on the bed, jumps on it and just hugs me, and loves me, kissing my face and holding me tight. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too.”

“Why didn’t you call me?” he whispers, kissing me. “I would have been over there as soon as I could.”

“It all happened so fast,” I admit, swallowing hard. “And then it was over. We had a quick drink, because I needed one, and then we came home. Rosalind ran off when the cops came. We had it under control,” I say, touching his cheek. I mean, as much as we could have. “I may have lost my temper and pushed her, and then as you heard pulled my gun out on her.”
