Page 76 of Love Betrayal

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I choke on my mouthful, and Julianna has to get up and slap me on the back. “Don’t die on me, Bella. I need you.”

“They say good penis turns women crazy. I think she is exhibit A,” I manage to get out.

“Actually, though,” she replies, finishing her last bite of her pickle, then picking up her coffee, “look at the time, and Julian is still asleep. This is the first breakfast I’ve had to myself since he was born.”

“He’s such a good baby.”

“He is, isn’t he? I read somewhere that the first one is always good, so you want another, but then the second one is a little demon. It’s Mother Nature playing a trick,” she says, an absent smile playing on her lips. “I’d totally have another, though.”

I laugh. “Mother Nature won, then. You know, River asked me when I would want to have a child.”

“And what did you say?”

“Maybe next year? After we’re married. But every time I see him with Julian, I want to change my mind and get pregnant right now,” I admit, lowering my voice. “Hot, muscled men holding babies. Who knew?”

We spend more time talking shit until Julian wakes up, and Romeo comes out holding him. “I can look after him if there’s anything you want to do. Or you can go out with Bella and do something? I just have to be at Devil’s Play in the afternoon for a meeting with Echo.”

Julianna turns to me. “Do you want to go look at wedding dresses?”

“I’ll grab my bag,” I say instantly. River is outside helping Jag with his motorcycle. “I’m going shopping with Julianna. I’ll be back in an hour or three.”

“Okay, be careful,” he says, opening the door for me and closing it once I’m safe inside.

We check out three different stores and I try on several dresses. When I try on this beautiful mermaid dress, with a low neckline and sequin details, I know it’s the one. And when Julianna starts crying when she sees me in it, she confirms it for me.

“You look incredible, Bella. That style is so flattering for you,” she raves, doing a circle around me so she can see the whole dress. “River is going to have a heart attack. You honestly look absolutely stunning.”

Everyone needs a friend like Julianna. One who will be your biggest supporter and number one cheerleader.

The door opens at the bridal store, the chime garnering my attention. I do a double take as I see none other than Rosalind standing there, looking over at Julianna and me.

“What is she doing here?” I grit out, and Julianna looks over at her sister, instantly standing up.

I put my arm on her shoulder and move to stand in front of her. Julianna may be my president, but this is my fight.

Rosalind walks over with her arms up in the air. “I saw your car in the parking lot, and saw the car seat in there, so figured my nephew might be here...”

“So you thought you’d just show up and hope I’d let you see him?” Julianna asks, stepping to the side of me.

Rosalind crosses her arms against her chest. “He is my blood.”

“Yes, and we all know how you treat your blood,” Julianna fires back, eyes narrowing to slits.

Rosalind takes a step closer, and my hackles rise. I don’t trust this woman, and I don’t want her near me or Julianna.

And I definitely don’t want her near Julian.

When she’s only a few steps away, I, still dressed in my dream dress, step forward and stand toe to toe with her. “Leave, Rosalind. You’ve done enough. You are not entitled to anything unless Julianna decides it’s okay.”

“You can’t stop me—”

“Why don’t you go somewhere where you are wanted?” I fire back.

She winces and looks over to her sister. “Why won’t you let me see Julian? I am his aunty. Whatever we have going on between us has nothing to do with him.”

“You think I’d trust you with my son?” Julianna replies, exasperation in her tone. “Rosalind, please just leave me alone. You have done enough. I will never forgive what you did to Corey. Never.”

“I am your sister. And no matter what happens, I am always your sister.”
