Page 65 of Love Betrayal

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“I don’t know, I’ll let you know if I ever meet anyone,” I reply, taking a sip of ice-cold beer.

Romeo laughs and sits down on the barstool. “I feel sorry for whoever ends up with her, let me tell you that much.”

“You could be having a daughter soon, so I wouldn’t say anything if I were you,” I reply, grinning.

He sighs, and rubs the back of his neck, suddenly stressed. “I think it’s going to be a boy, but if it’s a girl who looks like Julianna, I’ll be in deep shit. Are you and Bella going to get married? Have kids?”

Now I’m the one sweating. “Yes. I mean, I know she’s the one for me. But I don’t think I’m in any rush to have kids. I’ve got my hands pretty full with everything else that’s been going on right now.”

“Uh-huh,” he replies, amused. “And the marriage side of it?”

“I’ll get there,” I say, clearing my throat. The truth is I never thought I’d be a man getting married and having kids. But Bella has changed all of that for me. I do picture myself doing those things with her, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to rush in right now and propose. “We’ve only just started living together, so let’s wait a few months.”

“Women don’t like to wait,” he reminds me, arching his brow. “If I were you, I’d start looking at rings and thinking about these things.”

Romeo and Julianna got married very quickly and in secret, so I don’t think he’s the one to go to for advice on this one. As if reading my mind, he says, “When you know, you know.”

And I do know.

But there’s also no rush. I will get there when I’m ready. Or when she’s ready, I suppose. Shit, I suppose that’s another conversation that needs to be had.

I know that ultimately I’d give her whatever she wanted.

It’s dark outside by the time I get home, and I feel like today has filled my cup. But I’m also excited to get home and see what Bella is up to.

Fuck, who am I?

I’ve gotten used to having her around, to coming home to her, and I’m just enjoying these moments every day. I’ve gone from seeing her a few nights a week, if that, and sometimes having no contact for days, to being with her every moment I can.

I don’t know what she’s done to me.

I find them all playing pool in the games room, Corey sitting at the bar having a drink while Bella and Julianna are deep in a game.

Bella beams when she sees me, and throws her arms around me. “There you are. I’m about to beat Julianna, I’m glad you’re here to witness this moment.”

Julianna drinks some pickle juice while she waits for her turn. “Yeah, yeah, keep rubbing it in.”

Romeo comes to find his wife, picks her up and carries her out. Julianna laughs and pokes her tongue out.

“Wait, I’m about to beat her!” Bella calls out, reaching for her.

Luckily Corey steps in to play. After she wins, we have dinner and then go to bed.

It was a normal day, with no guns, violence, kidnapping or drama. A day that started and ended with Bella in my arms.

I must be getting old, because it was pretty fucking great.

I think I could get used to this.

Chapter Thirty-One


Five Months Later

I’m on my knees in front of River in the shower, my eyes closed as the water hits my face, my hand braced on his thigh. I suck his cock deeply into my mouth, as far as I can take him and back again. He’s a big man, so there’s no way in hell I can fit the whole thing, but I get an A for effort. His body is incredible, all corded muscle and hard lines. I could stare up at him all fucking day. He threads his fingers in my hair and leans back up against the tiles, while I taste the very essence of him.

I reach down to gently cup his balls when there’s a loud banging on the door. I look up, pulling myself out of the sexual daze I’m in, and stare into annoyed blue eyes.
