Page 62 of Love Betrayal

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“What’s going to happen to her?” I ask, absently rubbing his back.

“Well, I would have liked her dead, if I’m being honest, but I know Julianna would have been devastated, and she’s pregnant, so we don’t want to upset her. So we’re handing Rosalind over to her father and putting it on him that he’s responsible for anything she does from now on. And Cathy we handed to her son, Andrew.” To his father. “And he and Romeo will decide what to do with her.”

“It’s a hard situation,” I say, wincing. “Like Cathy’s an old evil mastermind. What are you supposed to do with her? Put her in a home with high security or something?”

“She’s not old enough for a home, unless we can prove she has dementia or something. Maybe we can try to get her into a facility on the other side of the country. Or better yet, in another country.”

That makes me laugh. “That sounds like a pretty good idea.”

“Thank you for always being there for not just me, but for everyone else in the club, too,” he says, kissing my cheek. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

“You guys are my family now, too,” I say, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. “And just like you’ll do anything for me, I’ll do anything for you. You are the love of my life, River. And I don’t say that lightly.”

“I think you already know you are the love of mine,” he replies, pushing me back onto the bed and lying on top of me, careful to not put all his weight down. “I fucking love you so much, I never knew I could feel this way about anyone.”

I brush the dark hair off his forehead and enjoy the moment of just being in love.

Because what a fucking magical place to be.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


The next day, while Bella goes to view some properties, I decide to go for a run, just to clear my head and process everything that has happened recently. It’s been a lot, and I hate that Corey was dragged into this when she’s still healing from what happened to Matthew. She doesn’t deserve any of it, and Rosalind using Mom against her was a low blow.

It also shows me that no matter how much she says that she’s okay and doesn’t care about our mother, she obviously still does, because one text had her out running to her. And that breaks my fucking heart. Mom needs to reach out to her and be her mother, because no matter how much I’m there for her, nothing can replace the love of a mother or father. I’ve tried to stay out of it, but I’m definitely going to be speaking to Mom next time I visit her, because this needs to stop.

When I get back to the clubhouse, Romeo is out front cleaning his motorcycle. When he sees me, he stops what he’s doing and comes over to me.

“Hey, there’s something I wanted to ask you about,” he says as I remove my earbuds. I know what he’s going to say, and I guess there’s no time like the present to get this out of the way.

“Yeah? What’s up?” I ask, bracing myself.

“I wanted to talk about what Cathy said when we were in the warehouse. Something about how she has always known... What was she talking about?” he asks, brow furrowed.

Shifting my feet, I look down before staring him in the eye. “At Jeremiah’s birthday, your mom got drunk and told me that Robert isn’t my real father. Andrew is. It was some secret our mothers knew about. I haven’t spoken to your dad, so I don’t know if he knows, or his side of the story, but my mom confirmed that it’s true. You and I apparently share the same father. So we’re half brothers.”

And cousins.

I have no idea how that works.

“What the fuck,” Romeo says quietly, shaking his head. “How could they keep this from us all these years? And why didn’t you tell me? You should have told me as soon as my mother told you.”

“I know, I was just struggling to process it all,” I admit, running my hand through my hair in frustration. “I didn’t know how to tell you, I didn’t know what to think. I only told Bella a few days ago, and then I was going to tell you.”

He opens his mouth, then closes it. “Well, I’m at the processing stage now, so I need some time. And yeah. I wish you told me right away.” He turns away from me and walks back inside.

“Fuck,” I grit out, wanting to hit something.

I know how hard it must be for him. Firstly it means his dad cheated on his mom when she was pregnant with Romeo, and with his aunt, and yeah, he’s right. I should have told him. He deserved to know the truth just as much as I did.

When Cathy said she knew, I wasn’t surprised. She’s the type who knows everything.

I go into the gym and punch the bag for a while, take a shower and then ask Bella if she wants to go out for lunch.

I need to get out of here.

Romeo is scarce for the next few days, and I give him that space. On day four, though, enough is enough.
