Page 42 of Love Betrayal

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“It’s your life and I want you to be happy. I know you’ve been struggling, Corey. All I want is for you to be how you were before we lost Matthew. College isn’t going anywhere.”

She fiddles with the sleeves of her sweater and her habit is a dark, unsaid cloud. “I don’t do it anymore—it just made me feel better at the time. I wasn’t coping well when we lost him. Going to therapy helps.”

“I know,” I admit, smiling sadly. “And the pain will never fully go away, I think we just learn to carry it with us better.”

“You’re all I have left, you know that? I mean, you and Mom, but our relationship has always struggled. I think she liked having sons more than she liked having a daughter.”

“Maybe one day you two will work it out, whenever you’re ready for that. But until then you have me, and I’m not going anywhere,” I promise her.

She hugs me tighter. “I love you, brother. But it would be nice if you stopped chasing away any men who want to date me, because I don’t want to be a virgin forever.”

I wince. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You were chatting with Damon at the party and I didn’t do anything.”

“Yeah, because of Bella. And wow, everyone has commented on Damon. You know, I can have a conversation with someone with a penis and it doesn’t have to mean anything. I’m used to being around bikers my whole life, it’s not unusual for me,” she says, rolling her eyes.

She is being a little too defensive on the Damon subject, but I’m smart enough to not point that out. “You have all the time in the world to date, and you said you want to find yourself first, so do that,” I suggest, turning my head when I hear a door open. “I think they are home.”

I close the office door and walk up the hallway, Corey at my side. I hear them before I see them.

“I can’t wait to get drunk when I’m not pregnant anymore,” Julianna says.

Bella laughs. “You know you can’t drink when you’re breastfeeding either.”

“Oh yeah. Can you get pregnant, too? Misery loves company.”

More laughter.

“Hey.” Bella smiles widely as she sees me. “You missed out on an epic brunch—the food was so good.”

“What a shame that I missed out on all that pregnancy chat,” I reply, grinning.

Bella rolls her eyes. “We did talk about other things.”

I lead her to the office and open the door. “I have a surprise for you.”

She glances up at me in confusion before stepping inside, her gaze widening as she takes it all in.

“Your new office. I even stocked the fridge for you. And now you have your own space if it gets too much here,” I say, shifting on my feet as she walks around touching everything.

When she turns around, there are tears in her eyes. “I think this is the nicest thing anyone has done for me,” she says, lips trembling. “I love it so much, River. Thank you. All the little touches are so me, and shows just how much you know me.”

She runs back and gives me the best hug. “You’re welcome.”

“And I love the daybed, it’s so pretty.” She continues on, complimenting every detail, and being so appreciative that I just want to give her a whole fucking house next time.

Maybe I will.

I pat Hades, who comes in to explore his new place to nap, while Bella makes herself comfortable. She calls Julianna over and shows off her new office, while I stand at the door watching her with a smile on my face. I don’t remember a time in my life that I’ve been this happy, my scowl lines turning into smile lines.

What has she done to me?

If only Robert, that bastard, could see me now.

He didn’t break me at all.

And I’m only just realizing.

Chapter Seventeen
