Page 27 of Love Betrayal

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We all say our goodbyes, and I drive us in Bella’s car back to her house, where I strip her down and taste every inch of her. It’s the best kind of distraction. After she’s come twice, she gets down on her knees and takes as much of my cock as she can into her sweet mouth.

I don’t last long, but I make up for it when I fuck her slowly afterward, torturing and teasing her, making her come over and over again.

The next morning Bella can tell something is off with me, but I’m not ready to talk to her or anyone about what Aunty Victoria told me until I find out the truth. After having breakfast with Bella, I drive straight to my mom’s house to get some answers.

“River, what are you doing here?” she asks as she opens the door. She must notice the expression on my face. “Is everything okay?” She steps back to let me inside.

“I need to ask you a question,” I say, pacing up and down her living room, while she takes a seat on the brown leather couch.

“What is it?” she asks, brow furrowing. She’s wearing the cashmere sweater I bought her for Christmas last year, and she crosses her arms over it.

“Is Robert my father?” I ask her, stopping to look her in the eyes. “My biological father.”

Her visible eye widens, the other hidden by the patch, and her face pales. “River—”

“I just want the truth, Mom,” I demand, jaw clenching. I need it like I need fucking air.

She looks down at her hands. “No, he’s not. Who told you? Victoria?”

I nod. “Yes, she got drunk last night and let it slip. She said Andrew was my father.”

My mom starts to cry, covering her face with her hands. “I’m so sorry, River. I know I should have told you, but I didn’t want to... I don’t know, ruin their family, I guess. We only slept together twice, and it was a mistake. It never should have happened.”

“Twice? Once is a mistake. Twice is a plan.”

“I know,” she sobs.

“Did Robert know?” I ask, swallowing hard.

“Yes, he did,” she admits, blinking quickly, her lips pouting in misery. “He knew. We never spoke about it, but inside he knew. The timing of your birth gave it all away.”

“But you’re sisters...” I say. How could they want to sleep with the same man? Where is the family loyalty?

Mom shrugs, a flash of sadness in her eyes before she shields it. “And they were brothers. But he definitely knew. You know, we met Andrew and your father at the same time. Andrew and I got along well, but your aunt had her eyes set on him and I...stepped aside.”

I shake my head in disbelief. Aunty Victoria is a piece of work, but I can’t wrap my head around that Mom kept this from me. “You let me believe that monster was my father! For what? I’ve spent my whole life trying not to be like him, then blaming him for the way that I am, and he’s not even my biological dad?”

She sobs. “He was Matthew and Corey’s father—I didn’t want you to feel different in any way. Did you think Andrew would want to raise you with Victoria? She barely raised Romeo. He was here, with us.”

I continue to pace. “I don’t even know what to do with this information.”

Romeo is still older than me, which puts me next in line, and if anything were to happen to Romeo, touch wood, the club would go to me. At least until he has a child. While even as Robert’s son this would always be the case, being Andrew’s son does change the dynamics a little. If I wanted to, I could always fight for my place as the next president. But I don’t want that.

I never have.

“Me and Victoria decided it was best that I told Andrew you weren’t his,” she adds, wincing. More deceit, what a surprise. “He may have his suspicions, but he doesn’t know for sure.”

“And how do you know for sure?” I ask her, frowning.

“I was pregnant with you before Robert and I were...intimate,” she admits, sighing deeply. “Six weeks pregnant. What are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know,” I say, sitting down. I need time to process this, because it changes so much for me. Robert has been haunting me this whole time, and he’s not even the man who created me.

“How’s Corey?” she asks, changing the subject. “Is she doing okay?”

My jaw tenses at the fact that she’s so easily done talking about something that changes everything for me. “She’s fine. You should call her, or see her,” I suggest offhandedly, leaning back on the couch and staring straight ahead at the turned-off television.

The two of them haven’t had much of a relationship since Matthew died. Mom needed someone to blame, and instead of me, she took it out on Corey. I suppose their relationship was strained even before that, but losing the glue of the family is what finally broke them. “And is that all you have to say about this?”
