Page 83 of Decker's Dilemma

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“Let’s all go then. If they have eyes on us, they will follow us and maybe we can lead them away from Con. We can redirect them,” I suggest, grabbing my handbag with my gun in it. “We can all be fucking bait.”

Felix and Clover share a look, and I know they are probably wondering if I’ve finally lost my mind. Maybe I have. All I know is that I’m done sitting here.

“What if we go, and then they chase us, and catch us? Then what?” Felix asks me, brow furrowing. “They shoot us? We shoot them?”

Clover goes into her bedroom and comes out with her gun and a set of keys. Felix looks at her like she has also lost her damn mind.

“What?” she asks, examining her weapon. “I want to be ready just in case we go rogue.”

“We are not going rogue. Are you all forgetting I’m a police officer?”

“Exactly,” Clover replies, grinning evilly. “You can call for backup if you need. It’s perfect. We could make sure Con, Atlas and Decker are safe. Cara is right—we can’t just sit here. We need to be where the action is.”

Felix’s phone rings and he picks it up once he sees it’s Decker calling him. “What’s up?” He looks over at me and nods. “All right, we will be right there.” He pauses, and then says, “Yes, ‘we’ because you try to tell these two that they’re not coming.”

Another sigh, and then he ends the call. “Decker wants me to go and meet with them. The FC ran Con off the road, but don’t worry, she’s fine. Decker and Atlas rushed in and shot at the car, so the men drove off. She is going to need a new car, though.”

I close my eyes in relief, and then open them, ready to go and see her. “All right, let’s go then.”

When we arrive at the location, I can see her car crashed into a tree. Felix is right, she’s definitely going to need a new one, but I can make sure that is taken care of for her. Decker, Con and Atlas are all standing, leaning against Decker’s car, waiting for us.

As soon as the car stops, I jump out and run to Con. “Oh my God, Con. I’m so sorry—are you okay?”

She nods, hugging me. “I’m fine, Cara. I mean, I wasn’t expecting to be chased down and run off the road today, but I didn’t get hurt. Just a little...shaken, I guess.”

“Understandably. This is why I told you I couldn’t see you.”

She winces, rubbing the back of her neck. “Yeah, I thought you meant, busy with work or family issues. I didn’t realize you meant busy trying to stay alive.”

“To be fair, this is a family problem,” Clover says as she walks over and hears our conversation.

I turn to Decker and give him a hug, ignoring his disapproving look. “Thank you for keeping her safe. You too, Atlas.”

“It was kind of fun,” Atlas says with a smirk, sharing a look with Decker. “Been a long time since I’ve been in a car chase. I can see why you all chose to be cops.”

“Change of career?” I tease.

He laughs, and shakes his head. “Fuck no. As if they’d take me now.”

I look back up at Decker. “What now?”

“Now we get Con home, and get the hell out of here before the FC comes back with more men,” he says, tucking my hair back behind my ear. He kisses my forehead. “CJ called Atlas and told him that Marko might agree to a sit-down meeting.”

I still. “So he’s willing to come up with an agreement to let this all go?”

“I don’t think it will be that easy. He’s going to want his revenge somehow, but maybe we can think of a way to get him to back off. Maybe the Wind Dragons and the Knights could roll up together or something. You all have power, too, and I think it’s time we went on the offensive instead of playing defense.”

We drop Con home, and then head back to Clover’s. I keep thinking about Decker’s words. Maybe he’s right. Maybe instead of trying to keep the peace we need to show our power.

Maybe we need to fight.

Chapter Thirty-One


“Yeah?” Rhett answers his phone with a terse voice.

“Rhett? This is Seth Decker. And we need to talk about Cara.” I don’t like that I have to make this call, and I hate that I had to use Cara’s phone without her knowledge to do so.
