Page 70 of Decker's Dilemma

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He laughs. “I know how strong and badass you are, Cara. And I’ll be there to have your back. No matter what.”

I push him back against the black leather and kiss him more deeply this time, until I hear someone’s throat clearing. I glance up to see Atlas standing there. “You sure you need protecting? You look fine to me.”

I move off Decker and sit up straight. “Atlas, right?”

He nods and takes a seat opposite us, crossing his legs at the ankles. “The car was most likely stolen, no plates, so there’s no lead there. But here’s a fun fact: I actually know someone in the gang.”

“Who?” Decker asks.

Atlas rubs the back of his neck, his blue eyes uncertain. “Yeah, see, this is where shit is going to get messy. It’s my stepbrother, CJ. No, we aren’t close, but I figure I could try to find some shit out from him.”

Decker and I share a look. “Your stepbrother? So their reach is bigger than we thought. They aren’t going to move here, they already are here.”

Atlas nods slowly. He’s a handsome man, his blond hair short on the sides and longer on top. “Yeah, and I told Temper the second I heard. They call themselves the FC, or the Forgotten Children. Temper thinks it’s good—we could have an in.”

The Forgotten Children.

It’s nice to put a name to the madness.

“Are you okay with that?” I ask him boldly.

He winces. “Yeah, look. I have no love for the FC, but I wouldn’t want anything to happen to my stepbrother. We might not be close’s complicated.”

“Family, right,” I reply with a small smile.

“Exactly.” He looks to Decker. “She’s a beautiful woman, you know that? I can see why you are willing to protect her with everything that you have.”

He heads outside, leaving Decker and me alone with those last words.

“He’s right,” he says, reaching for my hand. “On both accounts.”

I smile and duck my head. There’s so much going on right now, but his words are always comforting. He’s been my rock through this whole thing, and I don’t know what I would do without him.

“Well, lucky for me that my long-lost half sister contacted you to track me down then, isn’t it?” I reply, and lick my suddenly dry lips.

I want to tell him how I’m feeling, but I don’t know if now is the right time, and things are just so new. However, being in this situation has shown his true colors, and I can’t ignore that.

He’s loyal.

He’s brave.

He’s sweet.

And he’s damn good in bed.

There’s no point ignoring the fact that he’s standing by me through a kidnapping and now a shooting, and yeah, he’s not going anywhere. He’s here knowing that people are trying to kill us.

I don’t know how I got so lucky, but the thing about me? I go after what I want.

And I want Seth Decker.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Felix organizes some men to come in and fix the windows, while Clover spends her time researching bulletproof glass, calling them an investment that she needs in her life.

Faye and Sin return to pick up baby Fire and take her somewhere safe. Even with Cara coming to stay at my place, Clover decided it was still safer for Fire somewhere else.
