Page 54 of Decker's Dilemma

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“She expressed interest once, a long time ago. But I knew my sister wouldn’t like that, so I let her down gently. She hasn’t brought it up since, we’ve just all been friends,” he admits, eyes lowering to my lips. “If I wanted her, I’d have had her.”

“You’re such an arrogant...” I trail off, our eyes locked and holding.


“You know what you are.”

His lips kick up at the corners in a sexy smirk.

The tension in the car starts to thicken and all I want is for him to kiss me. I look down at his lips, and then back up at him.

I know he’s thinking about it, because his eyes are also on my lips. I’d love to know what is running through his mind right now.

He doesn’t make the first move, so I do. I press my lips against his and kiss him sweetly, slowly, until he takes over and deepens the kiss, his hand moving to the back of my neck to take control. I sigh in contentment against him. The kiss feels so right; the chemistry I feel with him is insane, tingles shooting all through my body.

He pulls back and studies me, scanning my eyes. “Are you sure?” he asks, his tone deep and husky.

I nod. “I’m so fucking sure.”

He kisses me again, as if proving his point.

When we pull away, I’m breathless, panting, and turned on like I’ve never been before.

“I have to go back to work,” he murmurs, kissing me once again and then on my forehead. He opens the car door and then closes it. “I’m going to need a minute.”

I look down at his crotch and see his hard cock pressing against his pants.


He drives me fucking crazy.

A few more moments and a kiss on the cheek, then he’s off.

When lunchtime comes around, I pick up some Italian food and drop it off to him. He’s busy at his desk when I arrive.

“Food is here,” I say, placing the bag on the desk.

“Thank you, Cara. Saves me from running out,” he says, putting his pen down and relaxing in his chair. He studies me and smiles. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you. You going to stay and eat with me?”

I shake my head. “No, I have to go meet Clover and Sapphire. I just wanted to feed you to say thank you.”

“Thank you.”

Unable to help myself, I walk over to his side of the desk and sit down in front of him. His hand lands on my thigh and he glances over at the door, as if anticipating someone to walk in. We share a quick, sneaky kiss, and he growls when I step away from him.

I wave and take my leave.

I meet up with Clover at the park, where she has planned a picnic for the three of us.

My jaw drops when I see just how extra this picnic is, with pillows laid out on the grass and a picnic rug covered in crackers, cheeses, fruit and cold meat.

“Why is this one of the most romantic things anyone has done for me?” I ask, sitting down and picking up a green grape.

Clover laughs and gestures to the dips. “I even got your favorite hummus with jalapenos.”

“I can see that. And this is why you are one hundred percent my soul mate.”

Sapphire comes over to me and sits on my lap. “You have a wonderful mama, you know that, Fire?” She grins.
