Page 68 of Ciao Bella

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“Trojan Horse?” Ash repeated.

Phoenix was standing next to Dad, eyes pensive. “What did he say again?”

“Trojan, like the condoms I used on your daughter last night.” Ivan winked over at me. “Right? I mean, we may as well—”

King kicked him in the ribs. “You swore.”

“I was joking!”

“It’s not fucking funny!” Ash roared, pulling him to his feet. “We’ll be back, don’t wait for us.”

They took him away just like that.

And my dad let them, just like that.

He sat with Phoenix and ate biscuits and jam while my mom grabbed more champagne and joined in on the conversation like Ivan wasn’t probably getting the crap beat out of him; I was pissed because he used me every time and he wasn’t even being honest!

For every moment he gave me that was tender, he ripped another away with crassness and with his words.

It was like last night never even happened.

With one cheap phrase.

He stole that from me too.

And now I was empty again.

Staring out at a golf course, I wanted to burn to the ground, listening to my family laugh, watching kids play, and feeling sorry for myself, wondering why everyone in this godforsaken Family had something or someone to love.

And I had.



“What a lie, what an epic lie.” —King Campisi


“I said to hit me in the text and get me away from Phoenix and Nixon, not to like actually draw blood, you jackass!” I roared, throwing the bloody rag at Ash’s face.

He popped his knuckles and leaned over in his steel chair. “Sorry, it was just burning to get out, may have overdone it.”

My mouth filled with blood. “You think?”

I spat onto the ground.

King smirked from his spot in the mother-in-law suite, he grabbed an ice pack. “Now, tell us how you know the phrase and the meaning behind it, because the only other person to ever warn us about it was Junior.”

“Trojan Horse, my ass,” I grumbled. “Who do you think told me about it?”

“So, you killed him?” Ash snorted. “You know it’s taken me an insane amount of self-control and at least half a bottle of sedatives not to set you on fire, right?”

“So violent,” I grumbled and pressed the ice pack to my face. “Tank’s sending you intel, you’ll get exactly what I get. You’re not to look into shit, that’s my job, oh, and I bought a yacht.”

“How is that related?” King asked.

“Oh, trust me, it is.”
