Page 65 of Ciao Bella

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“So we can finally end it all.”

I shook away the memory and mumbled, “Be the horse.”

“Huh?” Bella smacked me on the thigh. “Did you just say be the horse?”

“No, I said hung like a horse, same thing.”

She rolled her eyes. “Someone’s cocky.”

“Cock is the first part in that word you know, that right?”

She smiled and then it fell from her face; I hated it. Damn it, I really was the Trojan horse, which just reminded me of a condom, sex, of being cocky, and wanting to punch Junior in the face all over again.

He’d planned so perfectly.

Like father, like son.


“I bought a yacht.” I suddenly blurted.

Bella slowly craned her neck toward me. “You get seasick.”

“That was one time.”

“It was enough to make you stop eating shrimp for a solid year.”

I made a face. “I just wasn’t into shrimp.”

“Because you were busy barfing it over the yacht, that’s straight up cannibalism right there, feeding the poor shrimp family remnants of their loved ones mixed with stomach acid.”

I scowled. “Stop exaggerating and I can own a yacht, we can park it.”

“You park cars, you drop an anchor for a yacht.”

“I know that.”

“Didn’t you just learn how to swim two years ago?” She pointed out.

Great conversation. “I can swim just fine.”

“Maybe the shrimp ghosts will get you, one can only hope.” She smiled sweetly and gripped me by the thigh.

I stared down at her hand; my breathing was too heavy to be normal. I liked her touch; I needed to really not like it. I needed to not like her; I was trying, in that moment, to figure out how I went from constantly wanting to fight with her to needing her.

Was it when everyone abandoned me and saw me as the villain?

No. I didn’t care what they thought.

Something flickered in my soul.

“I trust you.” She’d sworn.

She was the only person other than Junior to ever say that out loud.


“Good liars are too smooth, but honest people stumble over their words because they’re afraid you’re trying to trap them. Always watch out for pretty sentences formed around compliments—they may be pointing a gun at your head while telling you how much they respect you.” —King Campisi
