Page 60 of Ciao Bella

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Before it happened. Before Junior died.

“We need to talk to King.”

“He’s a good actor, but Ash has a temper.”

I smiled to myself. “That might play in our favor, especially if Maksim turns it on for us. Yes, let’s… start the game and make the first move and see what happens. Oh, and do me a favor and buy a house, a yacht, and a new car.”

“Huh?” He glanced over his shoulder, green eyes squinting in confusion. Yeah, I’d be confused too. I didn’t need nor want any of those things.

“Make it look like I want the money and power and am going to be drunk off my ass twenty-four seven, easy pickings, in fact, leak some heart condition, that sounds nice. A weak heart brought on by a poor lifestyle…”

“I see why he trained you.”

“Because I’m insane?”

“No. Because you’re smart and embrace the insanity like a Christmas Goose.”

“GOOSE!” I yelled. “Not duck, thank you.”

“Any time.”


“It’s always the wolf, never the sheep.” —King Campisi


I hated the kind of sleep where you know you slept but you had scenarios in your head, like a billion of them with different endings so you tossed and turned until you could find comfort only to have voices in your head, more scenarios, more stressors, until you just wanted to drug yourself to sleep.

I thought of Junior.

The wedding, things I should have said.

The funeral, more things I should have said.

And the bedroom, things I should have taken, things I should have done, and finally, things I should have asked him.


In all of this he’d asked me for trust and as many hours as I lay awake and tossed and turned last night, I still couldn’t figure out what the endgame was.

I was also a bit stressed once Tank left.

Did he leave Ivan’s body?

Why did I care?

Tank was in there for a while, killing was fast, right?

Finally, unable to do anything but stress out, I jumped out of bed, grabbed the fluffy white hotel bathrobe, and made my way over to Ivan’s room.

I knocked twice. “Ivan?”

No answer.

Maybe he was sleeping?

Maybe it was a permanent sleep?
