Page 58 of Ciao Bella

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Heat flashed over my body, leaving a trail of prickling tingles in its wake as pressure built between my legs, my muscles tensed. His finger movements became more intense, frenzied… and more focused only on me. It was what I nearly begged for, what I needed-for me.

I forgot everything but chasing the feeling he was giving me, moving myself against his fingers while he sucked on my skin, taking tiny bites, giving tiny kisses until an explosion of pleasure washed over me.

The alarm went off.

The cease fire was over.

A knock sounded at the door, before a key card was scanned, and it opened, revealing Tank.

And a very shocked expression before he cursed, looked away, ran into two walls, and left.

“Think he’s going to tell?” I panted.

Ivan rested his chin against my shoulder. “I guess if he does you won’t have to worry anymore, I’ll be dead by morning.” He tightened his arms around me. “On that nice thought.” He pressed me down onto my back and lifted my thong back into its semi rightful place and kissed me on the mouth. “Maybe it’s better this way.”

He got off me, clearly aroused, and pulled the covers over me. “Wait.” I grabbed his hand. “Don’t go.”

“Monsters like the dark.” He pointed out. “It’s a bit too light in here.”

“So, turn off the lights.”

“I wasn’t talking about the actual light that’s bright… I was talking about you.” He hesitated, then leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. “Make sure my funeral’s pretty and at least pretend to cry.”

“Tears of joy?”

“Absolutely, make it embarrassingly epic,” he said sadly. “If you hear screaming, you can start celebrating.”

Minutes went by before the key card sounded again and Tank was back in my room. “Everything okay in here?”

I pretended to be asleep and nearly choked on my own breath when he walked through the hotel room toward Ivan’s room and closed the door.

No gunshots.

No screaming.

No fighting.

I wondered what was worse, the noise or lack of it.


“I thrive off weakness of others in a way that scares me, and yet I wouldn’t want it any other way.” —King Campisi


“I can feel you staring at me, just get it over with.” I stared up at the ceiling, huh, never saw my death going this way. Nice hotel.

Gorgeous woman in the other room I wasn’t allowed to touch but kind of sort of did.

And blood in my future.

I failed him.

I failed my Family.

“You swore.” Tank grated out, stepping away from the door and sitting on the bed, at least he didn’t have a weapon out, then again, he probably knew I wouldn’t fight him anyway, an oath was an oath.

I sighed. “I also swore to her, and she’s my wife and wanted one thing for herself, so I gave it, like a good husband. Nobody asked her what she wanted. I did. I fucking did.”
