Page 104 of Ciao Bella

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She was already pulling her shirt off, and I was already tugging up her skirt, “We’ll go super-fast.”


“Desperate.” I corrected.

“Ciao, Ivan.”

I captured her mouth and ran my hands down her body, cupping her ass, bringing her in against me while she shoved down my briefs. “Ciao, Bella.”

All I needed was her.

Maybe we’d establish more rules in our future, maybe we’d make it a thing, but I wasn’t so sure they’d be appropriate as I faced her toward the mirror and bent her forward. “I missed you.”

“I’m right here.”

I sunk into her. “Same, I mean me too, I mean, yes.”

“Yes, what?”

“To our Family, to this. I mean yes. I like being a boss, but I think I like being your husband more.”

I pressed my hands against hers as she clutched the sink with her hands. “And being a dad, are you open to that?”

“Just don’t name him Walt.”

“Agreed.” She laughed while I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. I finally had a home.

And all I had to do was pretend to kill my mentor and best friend to do it.

The mafia was weird, even with our rules it sometimes didn’t make sense but in her arms, everything suddenly did.

Blood In. No Out.



“I have a thought.” All of the bosses sat around me, waiting for it, but I wasn’t sure how it would be received.

Things were calm, but I had suspicions.

Two of them, to be exact.

Made men.

Brothers that were coming over from Italy to fill in the ranks—mainly to help establish the new rise of the De Lange Family.

They were the best the Nicolasi Family had to offer, recent college graduates, playboys, and brothers.

They also managed to make the news at least once a week and had no respect for anyone but each other and themselves.

They liked women and money. In no specific order.

Ivan groaned. “I don’t want them in my Family, they’re crazy.”

Junior raised his hand. “You agreed to kill me.”

“We had a plan!”
