Page 29 of Enforced

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Valentino’s nostrils flared. “Go on.”

I shrugged. “What can I say? He did that for months until I stopped fighting him and pretended I was broken, but inside of me a fire burned, one that wanted to burn him. Though I didn’t manage that, I did burn his house down. It was from that mayhem I managed to escape.”

I imagined they’d thought I’d died in the fire…until they didn’t find my body. At least it’d given me a good head start.

Valentino released my hand, then bent and kissed my brow. “Go back to sleep now, Tilly.”

I glanced at the clock. It wasn’t even yet 1.00 a.m. When I turned back a pang of disappointment hit at seeing him already gone. Having his strong arms wrapped around me was all I wanted.

With a heavy sigh, I shut my lashes once again and allowed sleep to take away my consciousness.

Chapter Eighteen


I secured my house and drove away into the darkness with fire in my lungs. I’d kill Sean for what he’d done to my woman.

My woman?

But of course she was. She had been from the moment I’d seen her. I didn’t have to convince myself of that, but I sure as shit had to convince my boss.

With Bluetooth connected, I rang Ethan. Despite the ungodly hour, there was no more putting off the inevitable.

He picked up on the third ring.

“Val. What’s going on?”

“Boss, I need to tell you something.”

“It must be important at this time of night.”

“It is.”

A feminine, sleepy voice mumbled something in the background, and Ethan said something soothing back. My stomach twisted. What I’d do to have that same partnership with Chantilly. If Ethan and Sabrina were perfect together, I saw no reason I couldn’t have the same with the woman I’d left in my bed. After I took care of a few things.

“So what is it?” Ethan asked, returning to our conversation.

“Chantilly is still alive.”

“She is?” Ethan’s shock carried through the airwaves. Not that I blamed him, I’d never postponed carrying out a mission.

I cleared my throat, driving on autopilot through the darkness as my headlights picked out a route I knew like the back of my hand. “I have…feelings for her.”

Silence radiated out like an accusation before Ethan finally said, “Then you’ll have to find another way to send Sean a message.”

“I have something in mind,” I said candidly.

A beat passed, then two. “You’re going to kill him, aren’t you?”

I blew out a breath. “I am.”

We both knew I wasn’t asking permission.

“There will be repercussions,” Ethan finally said. “But I’ll stand with you on this one. If anyone hurt Sabrina I’d do the same.”

I blew out another long, slow breath. “I know you would, Boss.”

“Then it’s agreed. Oh, and Val.”
