Page 21 of Enforced

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Was he worried about Valentino’s reaction?

I lifted my chin. I was my own woman. Valentino might hold me hostage but it didn’t mean I couldn’t make my own decisions. I dropped my arm and outstretched it. “It’s nice to meet you,” I said with a smile.

My smile widened at Valentino’s narrowed eyes and lips.

Marco didn’t really have much of a choice except to clasp my hand and mutter a greeting in return, though his stare gleamed before he averted his eyes.

“Marco is here to measure you for a decent wardrobe.” He nodded toward a bag near the stairwell. “In the meantime, he had a few samples close to your size that you can make do with.”

I glared up at him. “How very kind of you.”

My sarcasm couldn’t have been any more direct, but it was one I instantly regretted it when I noted the glitter of retribution in his gaze. That anticipation and excitement sparked through me wasn’t something I wanted to dwell on.

I desperately wanted to despise him!

He picked up my towel. “Get out.”

I baulked at his order, but at the twitch in his cheek, I knew better than to argue or to tell him to go fuck himself.

I smiled sweetly. “Of course, Sir.”

Placing my hands on the edge of the pool, I hoisted myself out with deliberate slowness, giving Marco a good eyeful of my body even as Valentino stepped closer and wrapped the towel around me, shielding me. Then he bent close to my ear and murmured, “I guess you want to be punished.”

I twisted my head around, my eyes snapping to his. “For doing what you asked?”

“For enjoying doing what I asked,” he corrected. “Though I must say, I did appreciate your little striptease earlier.”

“Of course you did,” I muttered.

He curled a finger around some wet strands of my hair, then tugged on them to draw me closer to him. “What I didn’t appreciate was you choosing to sleep in the guest bedroom. I did warn you about that, did I not?”

“I’ll sleep where I want,” I hissed.

His chuckle was silken soft and full of promise. “Oh, little Tilly, you have a lot to learn.”

Chapter Thirteen


I stood on a platform in the lounge room as Marco pinned and tucked different fabrics around me. He’d already measured every inch of my body while I’d stood in nothing but the lavender panties and bra he’d retrieved out of the bag he’d brought with him.

I managed to smile at yet another swathe of fabric held against me, pretending an interest in the samples he showed. But I didn’t particularly care about being beautiful for another man. I was just as happy in sweats and a faded T-shirt. I didn’t want to be stared at more than I already was, bad enough that men seemed to notice me regardless.

Maybe if I loved someone and was loved in return, I’d want to look my best. Instead I was primped and preened as Valentino watched on and nodded or shook his head, seemingly enjoying the process of my future wardrobe.

Marco stepped back and clapped his hands, his eyes shining. “I think we’re done.” He turned to Valentino. “Of course if I’d had my assistant I would have been finished long before now.”

Valentino shrugged. “I’d prefer to take longer than have yet another person inside my house.”

Marco nodded. “I understand, your privacy is sacred.” He gathered up his fabrics and put them back into the bag he’d carried upstairs with him. “Your woman is going to be the envy of many.”

Valentino held the fashion designer’s stare. “She’d be the envy of many even if she wore a sack.”

“Of course,” Marco quickly agreed as he unwound the fabric from my body and placed it in a bag. “Either way, I’m certain you’ll both be very happy with the designs I’ll create.”

Valentino nodded before he glanced my way, his stare lingering on my body that was once again encased in nothing more than panties and a bra. “I’ll see Marco out now.”

My heart pitter-pattered as I imagined what he might do to me when we were alone again, my legs shaky as I stepped off the platform while the men descended the stairs. Looking through the bag, I chose white shorts and an olive green, off-the-shoulder blouse with a ruched neckline.
