Page 58 of The Bones of Love

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“Sorry. Headphones.” She pushed the button on the headphones. Quiet whispering filled the air.

“Oh, shit. What’s she going to do with that comb?” What kind of shit was Decca into? I’d assumed it was men, since she’d never said otherwise, but it totally didn’t phase me that she might be into women, too. That comb looked angry, painful. It made me realize how long it’d been since I’d watched porn. What kind of kink was this?

Decca smiled uncomfortably, her eyes glued to the screen.

“When is she going to take her clothes off?”

“Wh—” She peeled her eyes off the screen and sucked in a breath. “What did you think I was watching?”

“I don’t know what you’re watching anymore. I thought it was porn.”

“You thought I invited you in to watch porn?”

“I thought you were cool with it. You seem like someone who would be.”

“Porn justifies misogyny, sexual assault and mistreatment, and reaffirms the idea that women are receptacles for male pleasure, rather than active seekers of their own pleasure. Not to mention it sets a ridiculous example of what sex is supposed to be.”

“I know. It’s whyIdon’t watch porn. I just figured you had some kind of modern, female-gaze stuff that’s actually good. Maybe Bethany’s friends—”

“You don’t watch porn?”

“No. Jacking off to a woman I don’t know getting a dick—or several dicks—rammed down her throat so far you can see it in her neck isn’t sexy to me.”

“But you... your past was—”

“Don’t get me wrong. In my youth, I wouldn’t have had a problem ramming my own dick down a living, breathing... ok maybe not breathing,” I saw her shocked expression. “uh… woman’s throat. I’m still unopposed to the experience on principle...”

I was sitting close enough to Decca that I could see her eyes darken as her pupils expanded. Her lips parted.

Was she was turned on? Or afraid of me?

Neither mattered, because I wouldn’t be ramming my dick down her throat until her mascara steamed down her face and snot bubbles blew out of her nose.Oh, God, why was I letting myself picture that image of her?

“Let me be clear, if it’s consensual, there’s nothing wrong with kink, but there’s something very wrong with men getting off on violent and degrading images of non-consenting, underpaid women and thinking they can get away with that in real life.”

She was quiet for a minute, staring at me with those big innocent eyes in the soft light of the room. Her mouth opened, closed, an opened again. Until she looked away and spoke quietly.

“I wouldn’t mind if you rammed your dick down my throat.”

I was instantly and painfully hard. I could practically hear my blood rushing into my cock. My brain going softer in the process. But not so soft that I couldn’t visualize those big red lipsand hollowed cheeks taking me all the way down her throat and sucking me dry.

“Dec,” I groaned. “I can’t let you do that.”

“Is it a sin in your religion?”


“Then why—”

“Because I can’t see you like that. You’re my wife, not a... it wouldn’t be fair to do that to you.”

“Do that to me?You just said if it’s consensual there’s nothing wrong!”

“I’m not going to treat you like a slut.”

“Ugh, Gus…” She inhaled, started to say something before thinking better of it. “I don’t even know what I want to respond to first.”

“I’d rather you didn’t respond to any of it, if you didn’t mind.” I cleared my throat and turned back to the laptop. “Okay, so we’re not watching porn. What is this, then? What’s she going to do to that mannequin’s hair?”
