Page 135 of The Bones of Love

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Our phones started going off again. Both of them.

She smiled against my lips. “We should probably check that. It might be important.”

“Probably student loan consolidators,” I groaned as she continued to stoke me.


“You’re the one who tells me what to do,” I said.

“Why do I want you inside me again already?”

“Because I’m your husband and no one’s ever made you feel as good.”


“I’m right, though.”

“I didn’t say you weren’t.”

“I can’t take it anymore.” I swept my hands under her ass and lifted her on top of me, gasping as she guided my cock to just the right place before taking me inside her, just an inch or two, before pulling me out and doing it again. Her pussy was warm and dripping. My cock ached with the need for her to sink all the way down.

“Fucking tease.” My voice was strained.

She pulled me out again and dragged my head through her vulva. “Beg for it.”

“Please, Decca. I need to feel you. I need to come.

She moaned as I lifted her off, holding her up by her knees as she impaled herself back onto my cock, sinking all the way down in a blinding, glorious stroke. My breath left my chest. It was like I’d never been inside her before. Never been inside any woman.

She spread her legs wider around my hips. I was so deep, she was probably choking on it, but damn, she looked good like that; back arched, shoving her tits in the air as she rocked on my cock.

“Gus, fuck. I want to come again. Make me come.”

If I touched her, I’d come too soon. This wasn’t the time. Not the place. But I needed this. We needed this.

“Rub your nipples. They’re so perfect, Crow. I love watching you play with them.”

My eyes zeroed in on her hard peaks stabbing out at nothing, straining to be rolled between her soft fingers, or my rough ones.

Fuck it. I reached for her. I feathered my thumbs across the tips, circling and applying enough pressure to make her lean in, craving more.

She was seated so deeply, the rocking motion was driving me insane. Her pussy squeezed and massaged the head of my dick. I reached for her hand, bringing it down as her face looked hesitant. “I’ll play with your tits, Crow. Let me see you circling that clit. Show me how beautiful you are when you let go and come on your fingers and my cock.”

Both of her hands came down, one hand parting her labia, showing me what was inside her neat little package. The middle finger of her other hand circled her clit.

“Look down, sweetheart. Watch us come together.”

She clamped her lips between her teeth as she did as she was told.

“That’s it, Crow. Watch yourself come. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

Her breath was shallow and gasping. In her effort to make no noise, she was failing deliciously. Her garbled pants and back of the throatnnhs drove me on. It was so hard not to jerk my hips up into her, fucking her from below. But I wanted her orgasm to bring on mine. She’d done it before, milked me with her magic pussy and it was the most amazing way to come.

Her head jerked back the way that meant she was clawing over the edge. She needed to scream. I clamped my hand over her mouth. Hard. One on her mouth. One at her throat.

My favorite way to hold her as I pumped hard, twice, into her, coming as her pussy clenched my dick with that little twist she had inside her. My perfect wife.

“Oh, God, oh, fuck. Decca, you’re making me come so hard.”
