Page 106 of The Bones of Love

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“Those are Catholic vows.” She smiled. “Not part of our sacrament.”

“It’s implied.”

Reaching up toward the headboard, she stretched and writhed in half-hearted complaint. The sheet slipped down under one breast, but for once, she made no attempt to cover herself. Withher hair cascading across her shoulders and chest, and her fiery olive eyes gazing at me, taunting, she could have been an oil portrait of some Biblical temptress. Jezebel or Salome. Esther. I imagined her as Saint Varvara or Saint Elizabeth, women victimized and martyred in part for their beauty and intelligence.

Before my dick got any harder, I ripped the sheet all the way down to her toes. “Get up.” I smacked her thigh. “I’m going to church. You’re coming with me.”

She laughed. “What are we doing at church?”

“You wanted to learn Greek.”

“I wanted to surprise you after I knew more, but I’ve been doing the free online classes.To ládi eínai páno sto trapézi,“ she said, stiltingly.

Greek pronunciation wasn’t like any of the Romance languages. It wasn’t even like German. Greek was difficult in an entirely different way. Her mouth wasn’t used to the quick dance of the consonants. They did not come trippingly off the tongue. But the fact that she had taken any time at all to learn the language made my heart burst.

How is it possible to feel this much? Can I die from it?

My cock was hard again. That was nothing new. But now, after this week, it was learning that it got satiated every time it got hard, and it didn’t like being put back in its box again. I cleared my throat and thought of the Greek school class I needed to teach in less than an hour. “That’s actually not unhelpful for a canned schoolbook phrase.”

“Oh yeah? I forgot what it means.”

I threw a pillow at her and tried to make it out of the room.

“Hey, Gus?”

Shit.I stopped in the doorway. So close to escape.

“I think we have a pelvis now.” She bit into her pillowy bottom lip and smiled.

That did it. Two can play at that game. Slowly, I made my way back to her. I started at the foot of the bed, crawling up to her, hovering over her body on all fours, lowering my head to her left iliac crest to plant a kiss over the bone.

“We definitely have a pelvis.”

My face still low, I gripped the back of her knee to bend her leg up and rotated her thigh outward for access. I kissed the joint of her hip, dangerously close to her pussy.

“We have a femur.”

I continued kissing down the femoral shaft to her knee, then trailed open-mouthed kisses even lower. “We have a tibia and a fibula.” My tongue circled the part of her left tibia that stuck out at her ankle and skated down under the arch of her foot, kissing and licking the underside of her big toe.

“I don’t remember all the bones of the ankle, but we have those, too. Tarsals and metatarsals.”

She moaned, but kept her foot still, wanting more. I drew her toe into my mouth, sucking, wrenching a long, low moan from her. I’d have to explore this more when we had time.

I moved to the other side, working my way up this time, kissing and caressing her delicate feet, her bony ankles, kneading her calves before propping my chin on her pubic bone and rubbing the hip bone that jutted out rudely, just to feel the softness of her skin. Between her legs was my favorite place to be.

“If only every set of remains I find could be as complete,” she said, staring into my eyes and raking her nails over my scalp. “I love our bones.”


He was my husband.He might have belonged to the church, too, buthe was mine. That’s why canon forced that order. So Father Constantinos would always be mine first. The church’s second.

Though while we were here, reluctantly, I had to share him.

He belonged to all of us. Like a pinball, he bounced from person to person and problem to problem. From the roof, to the stewardship database, to finding teachers for the Sunday school and Greek school and dance lessons.

“This is it.” Gus pointed to a solid maple industrial door with a vertical window above its handle. He looked behind him and pulled me in for a quick kiss. When he pulled away, he let out a low moan, his eyes darkening as he shook his head ever so slightly. He leaned in again, threading his hands into the back of my ponytail, kissing me harder. Opening his lips just enough for our breaths to pass between us, but still look innocent. As long as I ignored his hardening cock pressing into me.

“Father Gus?” asked a small voice. “Are you late?”
