Page 104 of The Bones of Love

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I swallowed. My saliva was thick in my throat from panting. My lungs burned as my heart rate slowed, catching my breath like I’d been drowning. I sank onto her chest, my cheek buried in her sweater.

Her fingers raked through my hair that was falling over my face. I rose and fell on a deep breath inside her chest.

“Your collar.”

“Mmm,” I couldn’t speak yet. Only moan.

“You…you just did that to me with you collar on. I thought—”

I raised my face and rested my chin on her sternum. She was still laid out on the butcher block, and I was still inside her with no desire to leave.

“A collar’s just a collar.”

Reluctantly, I slid out of her, feeling the gush of our fluids pool between her legs and ass.

“I thought maybe it was blessed.”

I shook my head and smiled.

“There’s nothing taboo about it?”

“Priest or not, I don’t see anything taboo about a married man fucking his wife.”

Her eyes grew darker again. It was so easy to see her arousal. Too easy. Whenever her pupils widened, my cock grew hard. It didn’t matter that I’d just come mere seconds ago. I needed her again.

I stood and reached for her hands, pulling her up. Her shoulders slumped as she chuckled at her bonelessness. A ragdoll. I lifted her onto the floor and laced my fingers through hers, dragging her behind me through the kitchen and up the stairs. Slowly. Neither of us had our sea legs back yet.

In our room, I nodded toward the bed.

“Take your clothes off and lie down.”

I was achingly hard, but I didn’t want another rough fuck. I wanted to worship her pussy.

She looked embarrassed that she wanted to follow my orders, but the way her hands immediately reached for the hem of her sweater, there was no doubt that she wanted to be told.

She stripped.

It was efficient and dutiful, the way she removed her clothes. Her sweater and bra first. Then her skirt. She lay back against the bed, propped on her elbows.

“Your turn.”

I hadn’t planned on undressing. Hadn’t planned on coming up here at all, but Decca made things like time and schedules seem futile.

I slipped the plastic tab out of the collar and unbuttoned my shirt. I needed my body pressed against hers. Needed her heat to melt into me. Needed her soft skin brushing mine.

I placed a knee between her legs and lowered my body to hers, kissing her lips, down to her jaw, her long neck, and the spot under her ear that made her gasp. I flattened my tongue against her skin, tasting the sweetness of her skin and inhaling her noxious perfume—which was starting to become a turn on—and the wool of her coat and the old lady soap she always used. The same one that perfumed the linen closet. Probably the same soap Granny had stocked in that cupboard ever since Decca was seven.

I traced her body from one muscle to the next, down her chest, kneading the small curve of the underside of her breast, sucking the other nipple into my mouth, scraping with my teeth. Her breasts were so responsive. “Could you come like this?” I asked. “Just from this?”

She shook her head. Her hips shifted, seeking pressure. My cock, my hand, my thigh, anything to writhe against.

I offered nothing.

I slid further down, circling her waist as I kissed my way lower and lower, to the crease of her leg where my cum was spilling out of her with the latest rush of arousal her body was creating. The result of our sex.

God, it was a beautiful sight. Her outer labia covered everything inside with a shock of short dark hair at the top of her slit, now glossy in the moonlight. “Just looking at you like that, Crow. It makes my…” I swallowed my emotion. It was too much to know what to call it. “It makes my cock so fuckinghard.” I grabbed her hand and wrapped it around me. “Feel it. This is what you do to me. Not just splayed out for me naked on our bed, but always. You could talk about coffin liquor and I’d be hard. Just being around you makes me crazy with lust. I didn’t know it was possible to want someone as much as I want you.”

“You just had me not even five minutes ago.”
