Page 102 of The Bones of Love

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Her tears were relentless as we stood in that embrace. I barely noticed when she’d gripped the button placket of my shirt, at first holding on for dear life, then rolling the buttons under the tips ofher fingers and stroking the cotton seams while her sobs grew less rhythmic.

I wanted to tell her it was okay. I was here. She was here. We’d talk through it. She was safe in our soft place.

But I couldn’t get the words out.

Nothing sounded right in my head. I dropped my chin to her head as she sniffed and turned her face to me, pulling me down by the neck to her lips, wet and salty with cooled tears.

I could take anything but her pain. If I could somehow cut those images out of her mind, I’d do it. I’d invade with surgical precision and banish every horror.

I’d fill her up with something better. Something easy.

Love.Instead of death.

She reached up to my neck and tugged around my collar, reminding me I still wore my clerical clothes.

I love you,I wanted to say.


“Just kiss me. Keep kissing me.” She didn’t let me say anything else. I didn’t know how much I wanted to say. It wasn’t the moment for any big reveals.

Her teeth sank into my lower lip a little too rough. I froze from the brief shock of pain.

My cock hardened.

Oh, fuck.I liked it when she did that.

I pulled her back, gripping the back of her head between my hands and digging my thumbs into her temples. I only wanted to still her for a moment. To look into her frenzied eyes, pupils big, overtaking her sage green irises. Her mouth hung open, wetness gleaming on her lips. God, how good would it feel to have my cock inside there?

Pain twisted inside me. The conflict of two wolves. I wanted to tear her apart. I wanted to lick her wounds.

Her tear-stained face was so open, pleading with me to give her this. Let our bodies take away her pain. So she could leave the dead to bury their dead, as Christ told his apostles in the Gospel of Saint Matthew. It was something I’d never fully understood until now.

“Gus,” she whimpered. “Please.”

That tiny, gasping vulnerability drove all rational thought out of my head. I was an animal that had been caged for too long. Now that I was free, I could go. Run. As far as I could for as long as I could. Turn my head into the wind and catch the scent of prey on my tongue, steer toward it, and chase and chase until my legs gave out.

Or I caught it.

My jaws ripping into soft flesh. Copper-scented warmth pouring down my chin onto my chest. The taste of the wild after years of denial and denial and denial.

My fingers tightened, twisting into her loose ponytail. Pulling so hard, her feet started to lift off the ground. Her lips crashed into mine as her talons dug into my shoulder. A long, shuddering moan came from one of us. I couldn’t be sure who and didn’t care.

She gripped my shirt again, trying to unbutton it with trembling hands before giving up and ripping it out from my waistband.

But there wasn’t time.

She needed me. I needed to be inside her.

Her breezy skirt wasn’t enough to keep me out. My hand slid down to her neck, not squeezing, just holding. Just firm enough to make her suck in a ragged breath and watch her eyes flit closed. With my other hand, I reached up between her legs and yanked her underwear and tights down to her thighs, immediately sliding my fingers through her pussy.

A painful shudder wracked my body as my fingers parted her labia and found her blazing heat. A gasping sob escaped her lips as my fingers teased her clit, rubbing delicately.

“Gus, I need you now.” She yanked me closer by my belt and feverishly threaded the leather through buckle as I kissed her mouth, tilting her chin up so I could scrape my teeth over her jaw, lick the tender spot on her neck that melted her into a shivering pool of goo.

Decca threw her head back and rocked into my hand. But I withdrew. If she needed me now, she needed my cock. I’d only needed to ensure she was wet and ready for it. I needed her pulsing pussy writhing on me just as much. Needed to spear her and make her take it all.

I pulled down her tights and underwear, ripping them off one leg.
