Page 100 of The Bones of Love

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“Oh, God, yes. I need you inside me.”

His cock was already dripping. Just like my pussy. Made for each other.

“Put me inside you,” he said as his eyes drifted closed, as if in prayer. His hands at his sides.

I gripped his cock, stroked a few times, just the way I'd seen him do, until he groaned. It felt so good in my hand, I just wanted to savor this moment. “Goddamnit, Decca,” he strained to get out, “stop playing with it and fuck me."

He gripped my wrist, stilling my hand. "Watch with me.”

I bit my lip as I positioned his head at my vagina, coaxing him inside, watching my pussy swallow only an inch or two of his dick. Then I put my feet up on the edge of the island and rocked forward. I was small and limber enough and it changed the angle enough for him to blow out a breath that felt like he was really trying to hold back.

Watching our joining was fucking unreal. Seeing his cock disappear inside me turned me into a different person. I was a goddess and Gus was worshiping me. But I didn’t just let myself be worshiped. I told him exactly how I wanted to be worshipped.

I reached between us and stroked his unsheathed shaft once, twice, before pulling him closer and seating him fully against my cervix. He pulled out slowly, his cock slick with my arousal. The angle was too good; it was hitting my g-spot, and I was going to come too fast.

“Bite my nipples, Father. They’re aching for your kisses.”

He was oddly silent after all his promises. I wondered if they were empty words, or if he was too scared.

Leaning down, he lapped the uncovered nipple with a flat tongue, before sucking it into his mouth and biting just hard enough to make me forget about my building orgasm. I didn’t enjoypain with my pleasure. I like to be caressed, teased, fondled. But it staved off my release, and I didn’t want this to be over yet.

“More,” I breathed. He smiled as he looked into my eyes. Then he tore off the other strap and kneaded my tits, pinching their outrageous peaks until I cried out. “Too much, Crow?” He smirked.

I rocked against him. “You talk a big game, Father. You haven’t done half the things you said you would.”

That shut him up. He stopped moving. Just when I thought he was going to pull out of me and retreat into himself, he pushed everything off the island behind me. Flour floated up like a cloud, around us.

“Lean back, baby.”

I flattened myself against the island, my slip around my waist, my black hair grinding into the flour-dusted maple block. Gus sank to his knees and licked my clit as he reached for the closest bottle of olive oil.

Oh, God. I knew what he was going to do, and I’d never done that. Never done anything with my ass. I’d hated the very thought. For some reason, with Gus, I wanted him to defile me everywhere. I knew what was coming.

He poured the smallest thread of oil between the lips of my pussy. Slowly, I felt it trickle, adding to my own wetness already pooling between my cheeks.

“Just a taste, my Crow. See if you like it.”

I nodded. I couldn’t speak I was so turned on.

He licked again, laving my clit, but he didn’t stop there. He moved lower, lower, spearing my vagina with his tongue. Then lower still. I felt the warmth of his mouth as he kissed my most intimate place. His oil-coated thumb moving up and down my ass. It felt like a tease. I needed more. He knew I’d need more and waited for me to signal. “That feels sogood, Father.”

I heard his chuckle before he bent lower and licked. I bucked against his mouth. “Oh, God. That feels…”

“How does it feel, baby?”

“It’s perfect.”

“I’m going to go inside now, just the tip of my finger.”

I nodded into the crook of my elbow as he eased a finger inside. It didn’t feel as good as the pressure alone, but then he started circling my clit with the other hand, and I relaxed into the sensations. Pleasure where I’d never realized I’d find it. My head buzzed and a feeling of euphoria settled over me as I gave myself over completely to the shameful, unnatural bliss. Then he bent over my body and gently licked my nipple as he worked me with both hands and oh, God… it was too much. It was more than I could… “Oh. Oh. I’m coming. Oh, God, I’m coming so hard.”

The orgasm that ripped through me was like an angel had pierced heaven and everything was poured out onto my pussy. It took ages to stop writhing with it, riding his fingers and milking my pleasure of every last drop.

Gus didn’t let me come down. He pulled me off the table, flipped me onto my front and forced me down, face first, holding me by the throat and ramming his dick into my pussy. I almost came again from just the single . I couldn’t even move to push my hips back into him.

“You like my finger in your ass?” He said as he thrust slowly, carefully, completely. He grunted, and I knew it was from the effort of holding himself back.

I nodded, too weak to utter words. “Uhn. Are you gonna…”
