Page 98 of Savage Ice

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Now come home, Beau. Come home to me.

“This is absurd!” Impatience spiked Ophelia’s words. “We’ve been here for hours. My client should be home in bed, sleeping! Not answering the same questions over and over again in an endless loop!”

Lynn exhaled. “I think we’re done here.”

The voice of reason. About time. Beau knew it was after midnight. The freaking clock had been tick-tick-ticking all night. At least the detectives had relented and removed his cuffs a while back.

“He’s not leaving,” Campbell denied quickly. “We’ve got a cell waiting for him. He’ll be arraigned tomorrow.”

“Oh, the hell—” Beau began angrily.

The door opened. “He’s free to go.”

All eyes whipped toward that open door.

Douglas Baptiste stood in the doorway. A bandage was on the side of his head.

“But—but DA Baptiste,” Campbell sputtered.

“I already talked to your boss. The charges aren’t sticking. The case has been dropped. I spoke with Colton Ross on the phone, too. All a misunderstanding.” His head inclined toward Beau. “You’re free to go.”

“No!” An immediate denial from Campbell.

“Yes,” Douglas responded with a sigh. “And if you have a problem with that, take it up with your captain.”

“I will,” the detective vowed. “I am not done with you, Beau LeBlanc!” He stormed from the interrogation room.

“I worry he has a crush.” Ophelia slumped back in her chair. “Some people just don’t let go easily.”

Lane took her hand and pulled her from the chair. “You’re exhausted. And I’m taking you to bed.”

“Perfect.” Her other hand fluttered toward Beau. “I’ll send you a bill.”

“Of course, you will.” He stood. Stretched his back. How the hell long had he been in that seat?

“We’ll also talk very soon about…other things,” she promised.

He was sure they would. But Detective Baker was still watching them, and the DA was in the room, so they’d definitely save that chat until later. Right then, all he wanted to do was get to Avalon. “I owe you.”

“Absolutely. You owe me so much.”

Lane tugged her toward the door. “Stay out of trouble for the rest of the night, would you, buddy?”

He would make no promises.

Beau moved to follow them out.

Douglas stepped into his path. “You saved my life.”

“Nah. I just picked you up when you’d fallen.” Or when a prisoner had knocked his ass out.

Without looking away from Beau, Douglas said, “Detective Baker, mind giving us a moment of privacy?”

“Take as many moments as you want. I’m going home.” She shuffled past them. “Listen to your friend,” she urged Beau. “Stay out of trouble. I don’t like having you in my interrogation room.”

Not like he loved being there. I want to be with Avalon. With a soft click, the door shut behind the detective.

“That inmate who bashed my head in? His name is Shamus Quarrel. I sent him to prison on a life sentence.”
