Page 84 of Savage Ice

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“I appreciate not being sidelined. And thanks so much for the offer of committing a crime with you. Before I accept or decline, though, do you mind telling me whose house we’ll potentially be entering?” Steam drifted from the open shower.

“Slater Wade’s rental house.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Isn’t his place still a crime scene?”

“Probably.” Most likely. “But wouldn’t you like to see if we can discover something the uniforms might have overlooked?”

She pulled in her lower lip. Studied him. And Beau knew the answer even before she said, “Damn straight, I would.”

“Great.” He backed up a step. Two more. Kept his hands behind his back. “There are fresh clothes for you in the bottom drawer of my dresser.” He spun away.



“How are there fresh clothes for me in the bottom drawer of your dresser?” A sweetly asked question.

“I, uh, got some new clothes for you after the fire at your house.” He glanced back at her. Stay focused on her face. Not the little towel that could be so easily removed. “Remember? I had that bag waiting in the limo. I kept a few things here, too, just in case…”

“In case we wound up having frantic sex and you ripped my blouse?”

In his fantasies, oh, yeah. But in reality… “I kept them just in case the hotel wasn’t safe enough, and I wanted you closer.”

“That is both sweet and alarming.”

“Yep, that pretty much describes me when it comes to you. Now I’ve been good as long as I can be. You’re naked, and…it’s you. I always want you. But I’m trying not to pounce again. I’ll go wait in the den while you dress. Then we’ll do some B&E fun.” He faced the front and took a quick step forward.

“You’d really break the law for me in an instant, wouldn’t you?”

Now he glanced back once more. His beautiful Avalon. “Sweetheart…” He sent her a smile. “I would kill for you in an instant.”

“Both sweet…and alarming.” Her lips pressed together. “Want to know something else alarming?”

He waited.

“I would do the same for you.” Soft.

A fire truck raced past them with its siren blaring. Beau had pulled the Jag off to the side of the road when he’d first caught sight of the vehicle’s flashing red lights behind him. As the wail of the truck’s siren died away, he carefully merged back into traffic.

“I’m getting a really bad feeling,” Avalon muttered as her hands flattened onto the dashboard.

So was he.

But he kept driving slowly. He turned the corner up ahead. Then took another right. He was following the directions that his phone was giving to him. Directions that would take him right to Slater Wade’s rental.

Another turn. A left one, this time. And…

“Sonofabitch,” he rasped. He braked the car and stared at the flames shooting from the small house.

“I think the bad guy beat us here,” Avalon murmured.

He watched the flames. Watched the firefighters run in and out of the house. He was pretty sure he caught sight of Lieutenant Wesley Vaughn as the man stood beside a parked fire truck and held his helmet tucked under one arm. Looked like Wesley was barking commands to the men hauling the hose toward the house.

Smoke blackened the sky above the small structure. “Really getting tired of this shit,” Beau groused.

“Call me psychic, but I don’t think we’re going to find a whole lot of evidence left inside that place.”

“Psychic,” he called.
