Page 81 of Savage Ice

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She still wore the black top. Her bra.

He was still balls-deep in her.

His right hand lifted. Grabbed her blouse. Buttons went flying.

The blouse hung open so he could see her black bra. He shoved it out of his way. Her tight, gorgeous nipples thrust toward him. He had to take a nipple into his mouth. Lick it. Suck it.

Her hips surged eagerly against him. “Beau!”

He sucked harder. His hand slid between their bodies. His thumb strummed her clit.

He bit her nipple.

“Beau!” She bucked beneath him.

His thrusts became even harder. Even wilder. Deeper. He took her other nipple into his mouth. Laved it with his tongue. Pistoned his hips against her. Over and over. In and almost out. Only to drive in deeper. Deeper.

Her body tensed. He looked up in time to see her mouth open in a wide circle. Her eyes squeezed shut, and she came for him. A hard clench of release around his dick as her face went slack with pleasure and she moaned his name.


Not good enough.

Not enough to satisfy him. He was too far gone.

He thrust through her orgasm. Pounded into her again and again, and when he felt her climax fading, he pulled out of her.

“Beau!” Her eyes flew open. “You haven’t?—”

He would.

He flipped her over. “Put your hands on the floor.”

She did.

He lifted her onto her knees. Positioned her perfectly. Then slammed home.

This time, they both moaned.

His hands slid around her body. One hand went to cup her breast. To tease her nipple. To squeeze it. One went for her clit. To rub hard and fast. The same way he thrust. Hard and fast.



She shoved her sweet ass back against him as she came a second time.

And he exploded with her.

She rose on shaky legs.

Beau had pulled out of her. Cursed. Promised to be right back.

Then he’d vanished down the hallway.

She was still busy trying to cope with a mind-breaking orgasm. And her legs weren’t feeling quite steady enough. She staggered a few steps. Her hand flew out. Slapped down onto the keys of the piano.

A clang of music.
