Page 79 of Savage Ice

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“I don’t think we do normal.” She hadn’t moved from her position near the window. “That’s not who we are.”

“Right. Not normal.” His smile was sad. “There’s a piano in the study. A whole cabinet full of your favorite chocolate in the kitchen. Go play music. Rest. Pace. Do whatever you want, but please don’t leave the house. I’ll be back when I—screw it. I’ll be back when I stop wanting to take you until we’re both boneless on the floor. I do have control. It’s just always weaker where you’re concerned.”

Her control was pretty much nonexistent when it came to him.

“Security here is top-notch. You’re safe.” And with that, he headed down the hallway.

For a moment, she continued to stand exactly where she’d been. But curiosity filled her. She headed back to his murder board. Studied the pictures. Felt sadness tug at her as her gaze darted to the victims.

When she wrote her books, the victims were always the worst part for her. The most painful aspect. Getting into their lives. Learning about the people who mourned them. Seeing the pain that had been left in their absence.

She’d already learned about the vics from the fires in New Orleans. She’d talked to the family members. Heard the echo of sorrow in their voices.

But the arson victims Beau and his team had discovered after her fire…

Her stare lingered on them.

They were new to her. Their pain was new.

Slowly, she retreated from the pictures. Avalon found herself trailing through his house until she wound up in the study. In front of the piano.

Her mother had been the one to first teach her how to play music. They’d sat together at their piano for hours. Her mother had been able to play so effortlessly. So beautifully.

Avalon pulled out the bench. She sat down. Ran her fingers over the keys.

She thought of the victims.

The fire.

The killer still out there.

It’s the same person. All the arsons are tied to the same man. I know it. The arsonist stalking me now is the same one from all those years ago.

She started to play. Her fingers moved slowly at first. Hesitantly.

She thought of Beau. Of how much she’d longed for him.

Of the bar he’d lost.

Of the way he looked at her.



Her fingers played faster.

And she thought of the way she wanted him.

Her fingers flew over the keys.

The icy water hadn’t helped. Heat seemed to churn beneath his skin, and he was certainly far too well acquainted with fire. Beau turned off the water and stood in the massive shower, dripping, as he tried to figure out what the hell he would do next.

Not pounce on Avalon. Get your control back. Get it back now.

And then he heard the music. Not soft and gentle. Hard. Driving. A crescendo of power and demand.

Avalon was playing his piano. Correction, her piano. He didn’t know how to play the damn thing. He’d bought it for her ages ago.
