Page 66 of Savage Ice

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She inhaled. “Yes.” Believe me, Douglas. Believe me and?—

“Fuck. You get that this is conjecture. Practically jack and shit, right? Not like I have enough to take to a judge or show any jury in the world right now.”

This wasn’t about a jury or a judge. Yet. This was about trying to find the link that would break open her past.

“The law works in certain ways. Steps have to be followed. Procedures.”

“I’m just asking for the names of the guards who have access to him. The warden will give you that info. You don’t need a warrant.” She waited. Come on, Douglas, come on. “Just go talk to the man.”

“Pretty sure you tried to prosecute me for less than jack and shit once upon a time,” Beau recalled.

Douglas stabbed a hand in Beau’s direction. “I had a roomful of witnesses who saw you fighting the dead man! You threatened his life!”

“I told the bastard if he ever raised a hand to a woman again, it would be the last mistake he made.” A shrug from Beau. “And speaking of mistakes, not trusting Avalon right now will be your huge mistake. Go chat with your warden buddy. Get a list of names. Let’s see if there’s a connection to Slater Wade. What the hell do you have to lose?”

She could have kissed Beau right then.

When Douglas swore and stormed from the room…

He’s doing it! He’s getting us a list of the guards!

Avalon bounded toward Beau. She grabbed his shoulders and hauled him toward her. “You were perfect!” Avalon told him.

Then she kissed him.

“This isn’t the way to solitary.” Everett felt sweat slide down his back. Stupid fucking hot prison uniform. Stupid fucking meeting.

She doesn’t know anything. I’m safe.

He’d kept his secrets for years. Kept his friend close.

She doesn’t know.


The kid was dead. Shit. Shit.

Didn’t mean anything, though. The kid had just been a tool. Meant to be disposed of sooner or later. Everett was different. He’d been in this thing from the very beginning.

They’d grown up together. Experimented together. Perfected together.

I started with water. You watched me. But the water was cold, and I couldn’t hear any screams when the vic was under the water.

Everett liked the sound of screams. The screams were half of the fun.

Water and fire. Such opposites.

Fire crackles like a scream. And the vics scream so loudly when they burn.

A lifetime ago. That was when it all began. Two kids shoved together. Two souls that understood.

Not fucking problems. Visionaries. That is what we were.


He wouldn’t turn on me.

But, Everett was locked up. They’d been apart for so long.
